

passive to active, give full play to our main role in the study on e-campus, you can ask questions and impunity, to figure out until the date, sometimes boring textbooks on some mechanical knowledge in the Internet has become interesting Hengsheng, so that the enthusiasm of learning greatly enhanced followed by exchange of ideas among netizens, on life, to Jieyou Chou, enlighten minds and can overcome the shyness face-to-face psychological and shame Niu feelings, so that everyone happy to participate in, happy to show self - To improve learning ability and communication skills, these are the benefits. On the other hand the state on the management of Internet cafes there are still many inadequacies, coupled with some owners to see the money forgotten, "Germany", the temptation we patronize illegal sites, resulting in a virtual world indulge their unable addition of our secondary school students as a special group, Physical and mental development is imperfect, lead us to akrasia poor, dependent, weak ability to distinguish right from wrong, so we sometimes can not correctly handle Internet issues, such as some people too infatuated with the Internet chat, games, the spiritual emptiness and distorted view of life, World outlook and values, and some even committed crimes of the road, these are Qibi.
And remember that a friend had discussed the issue said the sentence: "Network is a double-edged sword, with a beautiful but toxic." Today, the network into an irresistible trend of our lives. For our secondary school students Internet access issues, should not be reduced to blocking, the key lies in the correct guidance, into two to look at the impact of the Internet, choose the best for its own use, one pair of society to become useful people.
passive to active, give full play to our main role in the study on e-campus, you can ask questions and impunity, to figure out until the date, sometimes boring textbooks on some mechanical knowledge in the Internet has become interesting Hengsheng, so that the enthusiasm of learning greatly enhanced followed by exchange of ideas among netizens, on life, to Jieyou Chou, enlighten minds and can overcome the shyness face-to-face psychological and shame Niu feelings, so that everyone happy to participate in, happy to show self - To improve learning ability and communication skills, these are the benefits. On the other hand the state on the management of Internet cafes there are still many inadequacies, coupled with some owners to see the money forgotten, "Germany", the temptation we patronize illegal sites, resulting in a virtual world indulge their unable addition of our secondary school students as a special group, Physical and mental development is imperfect, lead us to akrasia poor, dependent, weak ability to distinguish right from wrong, so we sometimes can not correctly handle Internet issues, such as some people too infatuated with the Internet chat, games, the spiritual emptiness and distorted view of life, World outlook and values, and some even committed crimes of the road, these are Qibi.
And remember that a friend had discussed the issue said the sentence: "Network is a double-edged sword, with a beautiful but toxic." Today, the network into an irresistible trend of our lives. For our secondary school students Internet access issues, should not be reduced to blocking, the key lies in the correct guidance, into two to look at the impact of the Internet, choose the best for its own use, one pair of society to become useful people.