请用英语写一篇短文,介绍一位你的好朋友LiLei.  :1他乐于助人,性格外向,兴趣广泛2他成绩优秀经常在学习上帮助我.3我准备送他一个…以表达描写感谢.4我对他的祝福和希望.


Li Lei is one of my best friends.He is a helpful and outgoing boy who has a variety of hobbies.
He always comes to my aid when I have problems in studying because he does very well in studying and is willing to help others.
I am really grateful to him for his help and kindness.I plan to give him a gift to express my gratefulness.Due to the reason that I consider him as a person who helps others without expectation of a reward,I decide to write a letter as a gift.
I hope that he can keep his good qualities and grades,and he will always be happy and be my good friend forever.
because of his helps,help作名词:帮助时为不可数名词,不用复数形式.
I wish he can,wish后面用虚拟语态,can改成could,而且wish一般表示渴望或者难以实现的愿望,在这里使用不是很合适.
Li Lei is one of my best friends.He is a helpful and outgoing boy who has a variety of hobbies.
He always comes to my aid when I have problems in studying because he does very well in studying and is willing to help others.
I am really grateful to him for his help and kindness.I plan to give him a gift to express my gratefulness.Due to the reason that I consider him as a person who helps others without expectation of a reward,I decide to write a letter as a gift.
I hope that he can keep his good qualities and grades,and he will always be happy and be my good friend forever.
because of his helps,help作名词:帮助时为不可数名词,不用复数形式.
I wish he can,wish后面用虚拟语态,can改成could,而且wish一般表示渴望或者难以实现的愿望,在这里使用不是很合适.