英语翻译平面设计除了在视觉上给人一种美的享受外,更重要的是向大家转达一种的信息,一种理念,因此在平面设计中,不单单注重表面视觉上的美观,而应该考虑考虑信息的传达,所以我认为平面设计中最重要的一点就是,平面设计中,色彩是什么?色彩不是红黄蓝绿,色彩是情绪,每一种色彩的选用和调制,就是每一种心情的表达.设计是一种合情的夸张 视觉是一种十分直观的艺术诉求方式,这里面包含了设计师对事物、对社会等各方面的理解.


设计是一种合情的夸张 视觉是一种十分直观的艺术诉求方式,这里面包含了设计师对事物、对社会等各方面的理解.
graphic design is not just giving us the beauty of the visual,most important,it also convey a message,a concept to us.that's why in graphic design,it's not just about the beauty of the visual,but consider the message of it.therefore,the most important thing in graphic design,color is not just red blue green,but it's an emotion,an expression,every selection of color is an Interpret of feeling
design is a sensible's hyperbole and visual is a art that very straight forward.this contain the opinion and the view of the designer
graphic design is not just giving us the beauty of the visual,most important,it also convey a message,a concept to us.that's why in graphic design,it's not just about the beauty of the visual,but consider the message of it.therefore,the most important thing in graphic design,color is not just red blue green,but it's an emotion,an expression,every selection of color is an Interpret of feeling
design is a sensible's hyperbole and visual is a art that very straight forward.this contain the opinion and the view of the designer