找人写一篇英语作文.最近,“该不该扶起跌倒的老人”这个话题引起了你班同学的热闹讨论.假定你是某英文报的小记者,请用英语简要地介绍同学们对此问题的讨论情况,并发表你个人的看法.要点如下:观点 理由35%的同学反对扶起 1.不懂急救知识,可能会伤害老人;2.可能会被欺骗或误解,引起不必要的麻烦.65%的同学赞成扶起 1.及时救助,会挽救生命;2.善待老人,人人有责.你的观点 ……(参考词汇:跌倒的老人 the fallen elderly;欺骗cheat)


观点 理由
35%的同学反对扶起 1.不懂急救知识,可能会伤害老人;
65%的同学赞成扶起 1.及时救助,会挽救生命;
你的观点 ……
(参考词汇:跌倒的老人 the fallen elderly;欺骗cheat)
We made a heated discussion on the topic of “Helping the Fallen Elderly”
35% of the students disagreed to do so because they think they don’t have enough knowledge of first aid treatment,which might hurt the elderly instead of helping him.They also worried that they might be cheated or misunderstood and they they would get into trouble.While 65% of the students were in favour of the idea to help them because they believe that the fallen elderly’s life can be saved if he gets help in time.What’s more it is everybody’s duty to be kind to elderly.
We will all get old and need help from others.We should be kind to people and do what we can to help people when they need us.
We made a heated discussion on the topic of “Helping the Fallen Elderly”
35% of the students disagreed to do so because they think they don’t have enough knowledge of first aid treatment,which might hurt the elderly instead of helping him.They also worried that they might be cheated or misunderstood and they they would get into trouble.While 65% of the students were in favour of the idea to help them because they believe that the fallen elderly’s life can be saved if he gets help in time.What’s more it is everybody’s duty to be kind to elderly.
We will all get old and need help from others.We should be kind to people and do what we can to help people when they need us.