英语翻译(1)与其说这本书是一本字典,不如说是一本法语书(more...than)(2)他给我的帮助是你想象不到的(more than)(3)我不赞同现在女孩子们减肥的方式,因为那样对健康不好(the way)


(2)他给我的帮助是你想象不到的(more than)
(3)我不赞同现在女孩子们减肥的方式,因为那样对健康不好(the way)
This is more a French book than a dictionary.
He gave me more help than you could possibly imagine./ The help he gave me is more than what you could possibly imagine.
I don't agree with the way girls use to lose weight nowadays,because that is bad for their health.
This is more a French book than a dictionary.
He gave me more help than you could possibly imagine./ The help he gave me is more than what you could possibly imagine.
I don't agree with the way girls use to lose weight nowadays,because that is bad for their health.