Mary's life作文 帮忙翻译下Mary过去每天5:00起床,整天在农场工作她没去过学校,所以不会读书写字一天,一个UNICEF的工作人员来到她的村子,他说教育过孩子很重要,他给MAYR一些书现在,Mary每天上学,她学会了读书和写字,她很喜欢学校,对UNICEF非常感激


Mary's life作文 帮忙翻译下





Mary used to get up at 5:00 and work at the farm.
She never went to school, nor could she read or write.
One day, a staff from UNICEF came to her village. He said that education was important to children and gave Mary some books.
Now, Mary goes to school every day. She learns to read and write. She likes her school and is grateful for what UNICEF has done for her.
Mary used to get up at 5:00 and work at the farm.
She never went to school, nor could she read or write.
One day, a staff from UNICEF came to her village. He said that education was important to children and gave Mary some books.
Now, Mary goes to school every day. She learns to read and write. She likes her school and is grateful for what UNICEF has done for her.