求翻译成英语21世纪的中国城市化进程对城市地下空间的开发利用带来了空前的机遇和挑战,地下工程施工技术将是其中最重要的课题之一.本文介绍了目前我国地下工程中常用的明挖技术及暗挖技术的现状;重点讨论了新奥法及盾构法的施工工艺的优缺点;并展望了未来地下工程施工技术中盾构技术的发展趋势.google自动翻译的就请绕行 新奥法:New Austrian Tunneling Method


新奥法:New Austrian Tunneling Method
In the 21st century,China's urbanization process of urban has brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges for the development and utilization of underground space.The construction technology in underground projects will be one of the most important topics.This paper introduces the present situation of the cutting and covering method and digging method which are frequently used in our country; and focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of the New Austrian Tunneling Method and shield method; and foresees the growing trend of shield method in the construction technology in underground projects.
盾构法:是不是 Shield Method?
In the 21st century,China's urbanization process of urban has brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges for the development and utilization of underground space.The construction technology in underground projects will be one of the most important topics.This paper introduces the present situation of the cutting and covering method and digging method which are frequently used in our country; and focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of the New Austrian Tunneling Method and shield method; and foresees the growing trend of shield method in the construction technology in underground projects.
盾构法:是不是 Shield Method?