

  Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music?
  撰稿:张佃金    审稿:牛新阁    责编:白雪雁
  1. mind n. 介意            2. yard n. 院子
  3. poster n. 海报          4. waitress n. 女服务生
  5. brought v. bring的过去式     6. solution n. 解答
  7. line n. 排;队;列        8. annoy v. 使恼怒,使生气
  9. annoyed adj. 恼怒的,生气的    10. polite adj. 有礼貌的;客气的 politely adv.
  11. perhaps adv. 或许;大概     12. return v. 归还;返回
  13. voice n. 声音          14. Asian adj. 亚洲的;亚洲人的
  15. uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的   16. impolite adj. 无理的;粗鲁的
  17. allow v. 允许;承认       18. public n. 公众
  19. cough v. 咳嗽          20. break v. 打破,违背
  21. smoke v. 抽烟;吸烟       22. careful adj. 当心;小心
  23. drop v. 落下;掉下        24. litter n. 垃圾
  25. behave v. 举止;表现       26. pick v. 采;摘;挑选
  27. Europe n. 欧洲          28. clothing n. 衣服
  1. not at all 一点也不,根本不
  2. turn down 关小 turn up 开大 turn off 关掉/拒绝 turn on 打开(电器)
  3. right away = at once = right now 立刻,马上
  4. wait in line=stand in line and wait for your turn 排队等候
  cut in line =jump a queue 插队
  5. keep down 控制 keep down one’s voice = keep one’s voice down 控制某人的音量
  6. at first=firstly=at the beginning 首先 at last=in the end=finally 最后
  7. put out 熄灭 come out 出版 put out 伸出get out=go out 出来 get out of 从……出来
  8. pick up 捡起
  9. mind doing sth. 介意做某事
  10. in the yard 在院子里 yard sale 庭院旧物出售 clean the yard 打扫庭院
  11. do the dishes = wash the dishes 洗盘子
  12. solve the problems 解决问题
  13. annoy with sb. 和某人生气get annoyed with sb.= be mad at sb. 生气
  look annoyed 看起来生气
  14. return sth. to sb.= give sth. back to sb. 把某物还给某人 return to + 地点 返回某地
  15. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事
  16. keep the rule 遵守规则 break the rule 违反规则
  17. won’t be long 不会太久
  18. be ready in a minute 一分钟就好
  19. an English speaking country 讲英语的国家
  20. seem like 似乎 It seems that从句 看起来像……
  21. for example=such as 例如
  22. stand very close to the person 和某人距离很近
  23. in our own homes 在我们自己的家
  24. talk loudly 大声说话
  25. in public place = in public 在公共场所
  26. if possible = as …as possible = as …as one can 尽可能……
  27. one of … ……的一个
  28. drop litter 倒垃圾 litter/rubbish/garbaga 垃圾
  29. normal and polite social behavior 正规礼貌的社会行为
  30. give sb. suggestion/advice 给某人建议
  31. another pair 另一条 another pair of jeans 另一条牛仔裤
  32. put on 穿上
  33. at a meeting = have a meeting 在开会
  34. have a long telephone conversation 长时间交谈
  35. follow sb. around all the time 一直跟随某人
  36. happen to sb. 某人发生某事
  37. be polite to sb. 对某人礼貌 be friendly to sb. 对某人友好
  38. in the future 在将来
  39. do the same thing 做同样的事
  40. try(not)to do sth. 尽力(不)做某事 try doing sth. 尝试做某事
  41. wait for sb. 等某人
  42. the way to+地点 去……的路上 on one’s way to 在某人去……的路上
  43. bring sth. for sb. 给某人带某物
  44. sales clerk=salesman 售货员 on sale 在热卖中
  45. Would you mind cleaning the yard? 你介意打扫院子吗?
  46. Not at all. I’ll do it right away. 一点也不.我马上就扫.
  47. Would you mind not playing baseball here? 你介意不在这儿打棒球吗?
  48. Sorry, we’ll go and play in the park. 对不起,我们到公园去打.
  49. Could you (please) make dinner? 请做晚饭好吗?
  50. That’s no problem. 没问题.
  51. Could you (please) not feed the dog?
  = Would you mind not feeding the dog?
  = Would you (please) not feed the dog?
  =Please don’t feed the dog, will you?
  1. ---Would you mind cleaning your room? 你介意打扫一下你的房间吗?
  ---I’m sorry. I’ll do it right away. 对不起,我马上就干.
  2. ---Would you mind moving your car? 你介意挪一下你的车吗?
  ---No, not at all. 不,不介意.
  3. Could you please feed my little dog when I’m taking a holiday?
  4. Shall we help the elderly clean the yard? 我们帮老人打扫一下院子好吗?
  5. Let’s make some rules to protect wild animals. 我们来定一些制度保护野生动物吧.
  6. Why don’t you go there by plane? 你为什么不乘飞机去那儿呢?
  7. Why not give him a funny book as a present? 为什么不给他一本有趣的书当作礼物呢?
  8. You’d better take a good care of yourself. 你最好能照顾好自己.
  9. Would you like to take part in the training camp? 你愿意参加训练营吗?
  10. Do I have to wash the dishes after dinner? 饭后我必须洗盘子吗?
  1. Would you mind giving me a smaller one? 你介意给我一个小一点的吗?
  本句中的one是代词,代替前面提到的名词shirt,以避免重复,其复数形式是ones.我们常用 “a / an+形容词比较级+one”来表示 “一个较……的”.
  ---We spent all our money because we stayed at the most expensive hotel in town.
  ---Why didn’t you stay at _____ one.
  A. a cheap    B. a cheaper    C. the cheap    D. the cheaper
  【答案与解析】选B. 由句意可知,空白处是与“城里最贵的宾馆”进行比较,表达较便宜的一间.
  2. Perhaps in the future I should try not to be so polite.
  (1)in the future 在将来
  例如:I think every family will have robots in the future.
  (2)try to do sth. 试着做某事;尽量做某事.否定形式为try not to do sth..
  例如:We should try to stay with our family on holidays.
  You should ________translate every word in the artical.
  A. don’t try to    B. try not   C. not try    D. try not to
  【答案与解析】选D.try to do sth. 试着做某事;尽量做某事.否定形式try not to do sth..
  3. I get annoyed when classmates borrow my eraser and don’t return it.
  (1) get annoyed 变得气恼
  例如:Linda always gets annoyed when someone calls her nick name.
  I got annoyed when I saw him late again last class.
  (2) return 归还
  例如:Please always remember to return the library book on time.
  1. What_______you yesterday?
  A.annoyed    B.wereannoyed    C.annoied    D.annoys
  【答案与解析】选A. 含义:“昨天什么事情使你生气?”annoy是动词.根据句意可知应用其过去式,不用被动.C选项单词拼写错误.
  2. When someone cut in line,other people will________.
  A. annoy    B. be annoy    C. get annoyed    D. annoyed
  【答案与解析】选C. get annoyed变得气恼,will后接动词原形.
  annoy 和bother
  例如:I was annoyed by his bad manners.
  例如:Pardon me for bothering you with such a small matter.
  4. Would you mind turning on the TV? 你不介意打开电视吧?
  (1) Would you mind + doing sth.?你不介意做……吧?
  例如:Would you mind opening the window? 你不介意打开窗户吧?
  (2) turn down 关小,调低;turn up 开大,调高.
  例如:Will you please turn down the radio? It’s too noisy in the room.
  1. Would you mind _______the new words for me?
  A copy    B copying    C to copy    D copied
  【答案与解析】选B. mind 后接动名词,故选B.
  2. The TV is too loud. Could you please _______?
  A. turn it down      B. turn down it
  C. turning it down    D. turning down it
  【答案与解析】选A. turn down 关小,down是副词,代词放在动词与副词之间.
  5. Would you mind not wearing those old jeans?
  jeans 牛仔裤
  例如:I like jeans very much, so I bought myself many.
  I don’t like___jeans at all.
  A. this    B. these    C. these pair of    D. this pairs of
  【答案与解析】选B. jeans是复数,C项应是these pairs of,D项应是this pair of.
  wear 与 have on “穿着,戴着”,相当于及物动词.用衣物作宾语.强调状态;have on不用于进行时态.
  in prep. “穿着,戴着”,以衣服或表示颜色的名词作宾语.强调状态;
  put on “穿上,戴上”,强调动作.
  例如:She often wears/has on white shoes. 她经常穿白鞋.
  The young boy is in blue. 那个小男孩穿着蓝色衣服.
  The teacher put on a yellow coat and left. 老师穿上一件黄色上衣离开了.
  6. Would you mind getting out of the bathroom? 你可以从浴室里出来吗?
  get out of 从……出来
  例如:She tried to get out of the dark forest.
  The police got the truth out of her.
  I will not buy that refrigerator because I have _____ money.
  A. got out of     B. taken out of
  C. looked out of   D. run out of
  【答案与解析】选D. ran out of 意为“用光,花光”.
  get out of还有下列意思:
  7. Could you please do the cooking? 请问你能做饭吗?
  (1) Could you please+动词原形…? 表示一种有礼貌的请求.我们也可以说:你能……吗?
  例如:Could you please tidy the room?
  Will you please call back after 5:00?
  (2) Could you please not do sth.? 一种委婉的提出请求的方式:“请问你能不做某事吗?”
  例如:Could you please not follow me around? 请问你能不跟着我吗?
  Could you please not turn on the TV? I’m doing my homework.
  --- Would you please pass me some salt?
  A. No, not at all    B. Thank you
  C. No problem      D. It's impossible
  【答案与解析】选C. not at all一点也不,Thank you 谢谢,No problem 没问题,It's impossible 不可能.故选C.
  8. I don’t like waiting in line when a shop assistant has a long telephone conversation.
  wait in line 排队等候
  例如:We should wait in line when we are waiting for a bus.
  They’re waiting in line to buy tickets for the new movie.
  When we get on the bus, we should wait_______.
  A. in a line    B. with a line    C. in line    D. on line
  【答案与解析】选C. wait in line 排队等候.
  9. I’ll ask you if I need some help. 如果需要帮助我会叫你的.
  if I need some help“如果我需要帮助”,这是一个条件状语从句,if“如果”,常用来引导条件状语从句.
  例如:If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home.
  If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will visit the Great Wall.
  This little boy lost his way. So he needed_______.
  A. some helps    B. some helping    C. a help    D. some help
  【答案与解析】选D. help “帮助”为不可数名词.
  10. This happens to me all the time in the school library.
  happen to sb. 某人发生某事.
  例如:Did you hear what happened to David last night?
  What will happen to the children if Peter and Alice break up?
  --- What happened ________ you yesterday morning?
  --- I had an accident.
  A. with    B. about    C. to    D. on
  【答案与解析】选C. happen to sb. 某人发生某事
  Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music?
  撰稿:张佃金    审稿:牛新阁    责编:白雪雁
  1. mind n. 介意            2. yard n. 院子
  3. poster n. 海报          4. waitress n. 女服务生
  5. brought v. bring的过去式     6. solution n. 解答
  7. line n. 排;队;列        8. annoy v. 使恼怒,使生气
  9. annoyed adj. 恼怒的,生气的    10. polite adj. 有礼貌的;客气的 politely adv.
  11. perhaps adv. 或许;大概     12. return v. 归还;返回
  13. voice n. 声音          14. Asian adj. 亚洲的;亚洲人的
  15. uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的   16. impolite adj. 无理的;粗鲁的
  17. allow v. 允许;承认       18. public n. 公众
  19. cough v. 咳嗽          20. break v. 打破,违背
  21. smoke v. 抽烟;吸烟       22. careful adj. 当心;小心
  23. drop v. 落下;掉下        24. litter n. 垃圾
  25. behave v. 举止;表现       26. pick v. 采;摘;挑选
  27. Europe n. 欧洲          28. clothing n. 衣服
  1. not at all 一点也不,根本不
  2. turn down 关小 turn up 开大 turn off 关掉/拒绝 turn on 打开(电器)
  3. right away = at once = right now 立刻,马上
  4. wait in line=stand in line and wait for your turn 排队等候
  cut in line =jump a queue 插队
  5. keep down 控制 keep down one’s voice = keep one’s voice down 控制某人的音量
  6. at first=firstly=at the beginning 首先 at last=in the end=finally 最后
  7. put out 熄灭 come out 出版 put out 伸出get out=go out 出来 get out of 从……出来
  8. pick up 捡起
  9. mind doing sth. 介意做某事
  10. in the yard 在院子里 yard sale 庭院旧物出售 clean the yard 打扫庭院
  11. do the dishes = wash the dishes 洗盘子
  12. solve the problems 解决问题
  13. annoy with sb. 和某人生气get annoyed with sb.= be mad at sb. 生气
  look annoyed 看起来生气
  14. return sth. to sb.= give sth. back to sb. 把某物还给某人 return to + 地点 返回某地
  15. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事
  16. keep the rule 遵守规则 break the rule 违反规则
  17. won’t be long 不会太久
  18. be ready in a minute 一分钟就好
  19. an English speaking country 讲英语的国家
  20. seem like 似乎 It seems that从句 看起来像……
  21. for example=such as 例如
  22. stand very close to the person 和某人距离很近
  23. in our own homes 在我们自己的家
  24. talk loudly 大声说话
  25. in public place = in public 在公共场所
  26. if possible = as …as possible = as …as one can 尽可能……
  27. one of … ……的一个
  28. drop litter 倒垃圾 litter/rubbish/garbaga 垃圾
  29. normal and polite social behavior 正规礼貌的社会行为
  30. give sb. suggestion/advice 给某人建议
  31. another pair 另一条 another pair of jeans 另一条牛仔裤
  32. put on 穿上
  33. at a meeting = have a meeting 在开会
  34. have a long telephone conversation 长时间交谈
  35. follow sb. around all the time 一直跟随某人
  36. happen to sb. 某人发生某事
  37. be polite to sb. 对某人礼貌 be friendly to sb. 对某人友好
  38. in the future 在将来
  39. do the same thing 做同样的事
  40. try(not)to do sth. 尽力(不)做某事 try doing sth. 尝试做某事
  41. wait for sb. 等某人
  42. the way to+地点 去……的路上 on one’s way to 在某人去……的路上
  43. bring sth. for sb. 给某人带某物
  44. sales clerk=salesman 售货员 on sale 在热卖中
  45. Would you mind cleaning the yard? 你介意打扫院子吗?
  46. Not at all. I’ll do it right away. 一点也不.我马上就扫.
  47. Would you mind not playing baseball here? 你介意不在这儿打棒球吗?
  48. Sorry, we’ll go and play in the park. 对不起,我们到公园去打.
  49. Could you (please) make dinner? 请做晚饭好吗?
  50. That’s no problem. 没问题.
  51. Could you (please) not feed the dog?
  = Would you mind not feeding the dog?
  = Would you (please) not feed the dog?
  =Please don’t feed the dog, will you?
  1. ---Would you mind cleaning your room? 你介意打扫一下你的房间吗?
  ---I’m sorry. I’ll do it right away. 对不起,我马上就干.
  2. ---Would you mind moving your car? 你介意挪一下你的车吗?
  ---No, not at all. 不,不介意.
  3. Could you please feed my little dog when I’m taking a holiday?
  4. Shall we help the elderly clean the yard? 我们帮老人打扫一下院子好吗?
  5. Let’s make some rules to protect wild animals. 我们来定一些制度保护野生动物吧.
  6. Why don’t you go there by plane? 你为什么不乘飞机去那儿呢?
  7. Why not give him a funny book as a present? 为什么不给他一本有趣的书当作礼物呢?
  8. You’d better take a good care of yourself. 你最好能照顾好自己.
  9. Would you like to take part in the training camp? 你愿意参加训练营吗?
  10. Do I have to wash the dishes after dinner? 饭后我必须洗盘子吗?
  1. Would you mind giving me a smaller one? 你介意给我一个小一点的吗?
  本句中的one是代词,代替前面提到的名词shirt,以避免重复,其复数形式是ones.我们常用 “a / an+形容词比较级+one”来表示 “一个较……的”.
  ---We spent all our money because we stayed at the most expensive hotel in town.
  ---Why didn’t you stay at _____ one.
  A. a cheap    B. a cheaper    C. the cheap    D. the cheaper
  【答案与解析】选B. 由句意可知,空白处是与“城里最贵的宾馆”进行比较,表达较便宜的一间.
  2. Perhaps in the future I should try not to be so polite.
  (1)in the future 在将来
  例如:I think every family will have robots in the future.
  (2)try to do sth. 试着做某事;尽量做某事.否定形式为try not to do sth..
  例如:We should try to stay with our family on holidays.
  You should ________translate every word in the artical.
  A. don’t try to    B. try not   C. not try    D. try not to
  【答案与解析】选D.try to do sth. 试着做某事;尽量做某事.否定形式try not to do sth..
  3. I get annoyed when classmates borrow my eraser and don’t return it.
  (1) get annoyed 变得气恼
  例如:Linda always gets annoyed when someone calls her nick name.
  I got annoyed when I saw him late again last class.
  (2) return 归还
  例如:Please always remember to return the library book on time.
  1. What_______you yesterday?
  A.annoyed    B.wereannoyed    C.annoied    D.annoys
  【答案与解析】选A. 含义:“昨天什么事情使你生气?”annoy是动词.根据句意可知应用其过去式,不用被动.C选项单词拼写错误.
  2. When someone cut in line,other people will________.
  A. annoy    B. be annoy    C. get annoyed    D. annoyed
  【答案与解析】选C. get annoyed变得气恼,will后接动词原形.
  annoy 和bother
  例如:I was annoyed by his bad manners.
  例如:Pardon me for bothering you with such a small matter.
  4. Would you mind turning on the TV? 你不介意打开电视吧?
  (1) Would you mind + doing sth.?你不介意做……吧?
  例如:Would you mind opening the window? 你不介意打开窗户吧?
  (2) turn down 关小,调低;turn up 开大,调高.
  例如:Will you please turn down the radio? It’s too noisy in the room.
  1. Would you mind _______the new words for me?
  A copy    B copying    C to copy    D copied
  【答案与解析】选B. mind 后接动名词,故选B.
  2. The TV is too loud. Could you please _______?
  A. turn it down      B. turn down it
  C. turning it down    D. turning down it
  【答案与解析】选A. turn down 关小,down是副词,代词放在动词与副词之间.
  5. Would you mind not wearing those old jeans?
  jeans 牛仔裤
  例如:I like jeans very much, so I bought myself many.
  I don’t like___jeans at all.
  A. this    B. these    C. these pair of    D. this pairs of
  【答案与解析】选B. jeans是复数,C项应是these pairs of,D项应是this pair of.
  wear 与 have on “穿着,戴着”,相当于及物动词.用衣物作宾语.强调状态;have on不用于进行时态.
  in prep. “穿着,戴着”,以衣服或表示颜色的名词作宾语.强调状态;
  put on “穿上,戴上”,强调动作.
  例如:She often wears/has on white shoes. 她经常穿白鞋.
  The young boy is in blue. 那个小男孩穿着蓝色衣服.
  The teacher put on a yellow coat and left. 老师穿上一件黄色上衣离开了.
  6. Would you mind getting out of the bathroom? 你可以从浴室里出来吗?
  get out of 从……出来
  例如:She tried to get out of the dark forest.
  The police got the truth out of her.
  I will not buy that refrigerator because I have _____ money.
  A. got out of     B. taken out of
  C. looked out of   D. run out of
  【答案与解析】选D. ran out of 意为“用光,花光”.
  get out of还有下列意思:
  7. Could you please do the cooking? 请问你能做饭吗?
  (1) Could you please+动词原形…? 表示一种有礼貌的请求.我们也可以说:你能……吗?
  例如:Could you please tidy the room?
  Will you please call back after 5:00?
  (2) Could you please not do sth.? 一种委婉的提出请求的方式:“请问你能不做某事吗?”
  例如:Could you please not follow me around? 请问你能不跟着我吗?
  Could you please not turn on the TV? I’m doing my homework.
  --- Would you please pass me some salt?
  A. No, not at all    B. Thank you
  C. No problem      D. It's impossible
  【答案与解析】选C. not at all一点也不,Thank you 谢谢,No problem 没问题,It's impossible 不可能.故选C.
  8. I don’t like waiting in line when a shop assistant has a long telephone conversation.
  wait in line 排队等候
  例如:We should wait in line when we are waiting for a bus.
  They’re waiting in line to buy tickets for the new movie.
  When we get on the bus, we should wait_______.
  A. in a line    B. with a line    C. in line    D. on line
  【答案与解析】选C. wait in line 排队等候.
  9. I’ll ask you if I need some help. 如果需要帮助我会叫你的.
  if I need some help“如果我需要帮助”,这是一个条件状语从句,if“如果”,常用来引导条件状语从句.
  例如:If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home.
  If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will visit the Great Wall.
  This little boy lost his way. So he needed_______.
  A. some helps    B. some helping    C. a help    D. some help
  【答案与解析】选D. help “帮助”为不可数名词.
  10. This happens to me all the time in the school library.
  happen to sb. 某人发生某事.
  例如:Did you hear what happened to David last night?
  What will happen to the children if Peter and Alice break up?
  --- What happened ________ you yesterday morning?
  --- I had an accident.
  A. with    B. about    C. to    D. on
  【答案与解析】选C. happen to sb. 某人发生某事
相关标签: 初二 下学期 总结