急求英语作文 情景说明:今天上数学课,我把同学的杯子打破了。声音很响,吓坏了全班同学。到歉后,我将破碎的杯子打扫干净,同桌老师都没怪我,叫我小心点,继续上课


急求英语作文 情景说明:今天上数学课,我把同学的杯子打破了。声音很响,吓坏了全班同学。到歉后,我将破碎的杯子打扫干净,同桌老师都没怪我,叫我小心点,继续上课
in today's math class. I accidentally broke my classmate's cup and made a very loud noise. all of other classmates were scared. then i said sorry to that student, and cleaned all the pieces of the broken cup. my teacher and classmate didn't blame me, and they just asked me to be careful. so we went on our class. in today's math class. I accidentally broke my classmate's cup and made a very loud noise. all of other classmates were scared. then i said sorry to that student, and cleaned all the pieces of the broken cup. my teacher and classmate didn't blame me, and they just asked me to be careful. so we went on our class.