英语翻译1 充分发挥自己的才能 .2 掌握一些基本技术 .3 在班上名列前茅的学生.4 不允许打断学习时间.5 被指派辅导成绩差的运动员.6利用这段时间熟记生物学术语.7先看一本书的目录.8把一张词汇表贴在盥洗室的墙上.9不停地问问题 10 试用不同的方法 .11 就课文的要点写两三句话 12 花费的时间比预期的长


1 充分发挥自己的才能 .2 掌握一些基本技术 .3 在班上名列前茅的学生.4 不允许打断学习时间.5 被指派辅导成绩差的运动员.6利用这段时间熟记生物学术语.7先看一本书的目录.8把一张词汇表贴在盥洗室的墙上.9不停地问问题 10 试用不同的方法 .11 就课文的要点写两三句话 12 花费的时间比预期的长
1. Exert one's competence
2. Master some basic skills
3. Top ranking students in the class
4. Not permit to interrupt study time
5. Be deployed to help those athletes who have low ahievements
6. Make use of this period to memorize biological vocabulary
7. Read the content of a book first
8. Put a vocanbulary sheet on the wall of washing room
9. continue to ask questions
10. try different ways/methods
11. Write two or three sentences about the main points/essentials of the text
12. longer time than expected.
1. Exert one's competence
2. Master some basic skills
3. Top ranking students in the class
4. Not permit to interrupt study time
5. Be deployed to help those athletes who have low ahievements
6. Make use of this period to memorize biological vocabulary
7. Read the content of a book first
8. Put a vocanbulary sheet on the wall of washing room
9. continue to ask questions
10. try different ways/methods
11. Write two or three sentences about the main points/essentials of the text
12. longer time than expected.