英语作文Sarah返学后要去医院探望生病的妈妈,但不知怎么走,于是去问警察叔叔.展开想象,编写一段对话.(不少于8句话,写明所走路线及经过的地方)sarah;Excuse me.where is centre hospital?————————————————————————————(注意是警察说的话)


sarah;Excuse me.where is centre hospital?
The hospital is not far away from here.It will take you about 10 minutes to get there.You can walk along this street to the north.Then turn right at that street corner.Go straitly along untill you meet the police station.Then turn left and continue to walk on about 500 meters.Then you will see the hospital right on your left side.It's just besides a supermarket. The hospital is not far away from here.It will take you about 10 minutes to get there.You can walk along this street to the north.Then turn right at that street corner.Go straitly along untill you meet the police station.Then turn left and continue to walk on about 500 meters.Then you will see the hospital right on your left side.It's just besides a supermarket.