求帮写初中英语作文书面表达假如你(Mary)和你的同桌(Kate)因一点小事发生了争吵,事后你很后悔,想和他重归于好,你想给你的笔友Alice 发一封电子邮件,寻求他的建议.提示词:argue with regretful(后悔的) forgive(原谅)要求:格式正确,规范;不要逐字翻译;70词左右.


假如你(Mary)和你的同桌(Kate)因一点小事发生了争吵,事后你很后悔,想和他重归于好,你想给你的笔友Alice 发一封电子邮件,寻求他的建议.
提示词:argue with regretful(后悔的) forgive(原谅)
Hi Alice,
A little incident has been bothering me lately.As you are my best friend,I would like to share it with you and look to advice.My deskmate Kate and I used to be getting along pretty well untill we had a quarrel last week.We were both out of control of our tempers and we sweared at each other.It was ended up as we have not been talking to each other since then.Yesterday I thought a lot about it.The argument was totally unnessary that I don't even remember what the argument was about.I blam my self for argueing with her.Mostly,I feel bad about swearing at her.I am regretful right now and I want to fix our friendship; however,it is always awkward to be the one to break the ice.How do I ask her for forgiveness?What if she does not accept my apology?I'm looking to hearing from you soon.
Hi Alice,
A little incident has been bothering me lately.As you are my best friend,I would like to share it with you and look to advice.My deskmate Kate and I used to be getting along pretty well untill we had a quarrel last week.We were both out of control of our tempers and we sweared at each other.It was ended up as we have not been talking to each other since then.Yesterday I thought a lot about it.The argument was totally unnessary that I don't even remember what the argument was about.I blam my self for argueing with her.Mostly,I feel bad about swearing at her.I am regretful right now and I want to fix our friendship; however,it is always awkward to be the one to break the ice.How do I ask her for forgiveness?What if she does not accept my apology?I'm looking to hearing from you soon.