英语作文假设你目前在英国参加语言培训班 住在Mrs Smith 家.你需要完成培训老师布置的作业 用英语描述你的房东 四十左右 身材不高容易相处 爱好广泛对中国感兴趣高中水平80到100字


假设你目前在英国参加语言培训班 住在Mrs Smith 家.你需要完成培训老师布置的作业 用英语描述你的房东
四十左右 身材不高
容易相处 爱好广泛
It has been a week since I arrived in England to study English. In the past week I've been living with Mrs. Smith, she was kind enough to let me live with her even though we barely knew eachother. Mrs. Smith is around 40 years old, average height, and very pretty. She has been very friendly to me and is very easy to get along with. Mrs Smith has a wide range of interests, she is very interested in China and its culture. I love living with her and is very thankful. It has been a week since I arrived in England to study English. In the past week I've been living with Mrs. Smith, she was kind enough to let me live with her even though we barely knew eachother. Mrs. Smith is around 40 years old, average height, and very pretty. She has been very friendly to me and is very easy to get along with. Mrs Smith has a wide range of interests, she is very interested in China and its culture. I love living with her and is very thankful.