playback与play back的区别?


playback与play back的区别?
playback:名词 录音重放,录音重放装置,重放
play back:动词词组,除了重放的意思外还有其他意思:
1 把…打回给对方
He played the ball back close to the net.
2 后退一步接球
When a fast ball lands short of you, you have to play back.
当一个快球靠近你着地时, 你得后退一步击球.

3播放, 重播
To record, press these two buttons together; then rewind, and then press the red button to play back.
要录音就得一起按下这两个键, 而后倒回, 按下这个红键播放.
playback:名词 录音重放,录音重放装置,重放
play back:动词词组,除了重放的意思外还有其他意思:
1 把…打回给对方
He played the ball back close to the net.
2 后退一步接球
When a fast ball lands short of you, you have to play back.
当一个快球靠近你着地时, 你得后退一步击球.

3播放, 重播
To record, press these two buttons together; then rewind, and then press the red button to play back.
要录音就得一起按下这两个键, 而后倒回, 按下这个红键播放.