英语答题填空题(2*20=40)1. 无论你走到哪里,都不要忘了自己的故乡. you go, forget your hometown.2. 大学生参加社会实践是很重要的.It is for college students to take part in social practice3. 夜黑沉沉的,我们什么也看不见.It was a dark night we could not see any thing.4. 只要我们开动脑筋,一定会想出新点子. we use our brain


填空题(2*20=40)1. 无论你走到哪里,都不要忘了自己的故乡.
_____________ you go, _____________ forget your hometown.
2. 大学生参加社会实践是很重要的.
It is _______ _______ ____ for college students to take part in social practice
3. 夜黑沉沉的,我们什么也看不见.
It was _______ a dark night ________ we could not see any thing.
4. 只要我们开动脑筋,一定会想出新点子.
_____ _____ _______ we use our brains, we can certainly come up with new ideas.
5. 虽然我挣的钱是你的两倍,但我并不认为自己富有.
I make twice _____ _______ money _________ you (do), but I don’t think I’m rich.
6. 他既不知道也不关心发生了什么事.
He __________ knows ____________ cares what has happened.
7. 汤姆过去一向认为,他在学习上花的时间越多,就会取得越好的成绩.
Tom used to think that ___ ____ _____ he spent on his studies, ______ ______ grades he would receive.
8. As the gas is highly ____________ (explosion), it needs to be kept in high-pressure condition.
9. Her new album will be ____________ (release) at the end of the month.(词形变换)
10. She knew with absolute ____________ (certain) that he’d say no. (词形变换)
11. ____________ (to take goods, letters, packages etc to a particular place or person)(根据括号中的释义猜词)
12. Our ____________ (origin) plan was to go camping, but it was pouring with rain. (词形变换)
13. The heights of the plants ____________ (variable) from 8 centimeters to 20 centimeters. (词形变换)
14. Researchers found a number of important ____________ (different) in the way boys and girls learn. (词形变换)
15. All the illegal immigrants ____________ ____________ ____________ (confine)a small island in the harbor. (用括号里的动词组成词组,并用适当形式填空).
16. ____________ (the system by which a country’s money and goods are produced and used) (根据括号中的释义猜词)
10.These are the events which ____________ ____________ (lead) the start of the First World War. (用括号里的动词组成词组,并用适当形式填空).
1. Wherever you go, don't forget your hometown.
2. It is very important for college students to take part in social practice
3. It was on a dark night that we could not see any thing.
4. As long as we use our brains, we can certainly come up with new ideas.
5. I make twice as much money as you (do), but I don’t think I’m rich.
6. He neither knows or cares what has happened.
7. Tom used to think that the more time he spent on his studies, the better grades he would receive.
8. As the gas is highly explosive ,it needs to be kept in high-pressure condition.
9. Her new album will be released at the end of the month
10. She knew with absolute certainty that he’d say no.
11. deliver (to take goods, letters, packages etc to a particular place or person)
12. Our original plan was to go camping, but it was pouring with rain.
13. The heights of the plants vary from 8 centimeters to 20 centimeters.
14. Researchers found a number of important differences in the way boys and girls learn. 15. All the illegal immigrants are confined to a small island in the harbor.
16. economy (the system by which a country’s money and goods are produced and used) 10.These are the events which led to the start of the First World War.
1. Wherever you go, don't forget your hometown.
2. It is very important for college students to take part in social practice
3. It was on a dark night that we could not see any thing.
4. As long as we use our brains, we can certainly come up with new ideas.
5. I make twice as much money as you (do), but I don’t think I’m rich.
6. He neither knows or cares what has happened.
7. Tom used to think that the more time he spent on his studies, the better grades he would receive.
8. As the gas is highly explosive ,it needs to be kept in high-pressure condition.
9. Her new album will be released at the end of the month
10. She knew with absolute certainty that he’d say no.
11. deliver (to take goods, letters, packages etc to a particular place or person)
12. Our original plan was to go camping, but it was pouring with rain.
13. The heights of the plants vary from 8 centimeters to 20 centimeters.
14. Researchers found a number of important differences in the way boys and girls learn. 15. All the illegal immigrants are confined to a small island in the harbor.
16. economy (the system by which a country’s money and goods are produced and used) 10.These are the events which led to the start of the First World War.