求一篇 英语请假条作文 要求如下假设你是李静,最近生病不能上课,给老师Mrs.Miller写一张请假条,你流涕、咳嗽3天,昨天开始发烧,全身乏力,上午去医院看病,医生诊断为流感 医生建议卧床两到三天,如果老师能够准假,用英语写


求一篇 英语请假条作文 要求如下
假设你是李静,最近生病不能上课,给老师Mrs.Miller写一张请假条,你流涕、咳嗽3天,昨天开始发烧,全身乏力,上午去医院看病,医生诊断为流感 医生建议卧床两到三天,如果老师能够准假,用英语写
Dear Mrs.Miller,
I'm so sorry I can't go to school for a couple of days. I've had a running nose and a bad cough for the last three days. I had a fever yesterday and I have been feeling strengthless ever since. I went to the hospital this morning to check what's going on, and the docter told me that I had flu and that I should stay in bed for the next 2 to 3 days. So I am asking for leave for 2 days. If you give me permission to stay home, I will really appreciate it. Also, could you please ask my classmates to pay extra attention to their health, in case they caught my flu. I am really sorry for the inconveniences I caused. Hope everything is OK. Best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Li Jing
Dear Mrs.Miller,
I'm so sorry I can't go to school for a couple of days. I've had a running nose and a bad cough for the last three days. I had a fever yesterday and I have been feeling strengthless ever since. I went to the hospital this morning to check what's going on, and the docter told me that I had flu and that I should stay in bed for the next 2 to 3 days. So I am asking for leave for 2 days. If you give me permission to stay home, I will really appreciate it. Also, could you please ask my classmates to pay extra attention to their health, in case they caught my flu. I am really sorry for the inconveniences I caused. Hope everything is OK. Best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Li Jing