英语的购物用语客人:我没有零钱给你 或者售货员:我找不开您的钱这类的.只要是购物用语就行.最好是初一方面的知识.


英语的购物用语客人:我没有零钱给你 或者售货员:我找不开您的钱这类的.只要是购物用语就行.
Lesson 113
Fares,please! 售票员:请买票!
Trafalgar Square,please. 男子:请买一张到Trafalgar广场的票.
I'm sorry,sir.I can't change a ten-pound note. 售票员:对不起,先生.我找不开10英镑的钞票.
Haven't you got any small change? 售票员:您没有零钱吗?
I've got no small change,I'm afraid. 男子:恐怕我没有零钱.
I'll ask some of the passengers. 售票员:我来问问其他乘客.
Have you any small change,sir? 售票员:您有零钱吗,先生?
I'm sorry.I've got none. 乘客1:对不起,我没有.
I haven't got any either. 乘客2:我也没有.
Can you change this ten-pound note,madam? 售票员:您能把这10英镑的钞票换开吗,夫人?
I'm afraid I can't. 乘客3:恐怕不能.
Neither can I. 乘客4:我也不能.
I'm very sorry,sir. 售票员:非常抱歉,先生.
You must get off the bus. 售票员:您必须下车.
None of our passengers can change this note. 售票员:我们的乘客中没人能换开这张钞票.
They're all millionaires! 售票员:他们都是百万富翁!
Except us. 二流浪汉:我们俩除外.
I've got some small change. 流浪汉1:我有零钱.
So have I. 流浪汉2:我也有.
Lesson 113
Fares,please! 售票员:请买票!
Trafalgar Square,please. 男子:请买一张到Trafalgar广场的票.
I'm sorry,sir.I can't change a ten-pound note. 售票员:对不起,先生.我找不开10英镑的钞票.
Haven't you got any small change? 售票员:您没有零钱吗?
I've got no small change,I'm afraid. 男子:恐怕我没有零钱.
I'll ask some of the passengers. 售票员:我来问问其他乘客.
Have you any small change,sir? 售票员:您有零钱吗,先生?
I'm sorry.I've got none. 乘客1:对不起,我没有.
I haven't got any either. 乘客2:我也没有.
Can you change this ten-pound note,madam? 售票员:您能把这10英镑的钞票换开吗,夫人?
I'm afraid I can't. 乘客3:恐怕不能.
Neither can I. 乘客4:我也不能.
I'm very sorry,sir. 售票员:非常抱歉,先生.
You must get off the bus. 售票员:您必须下车.
None of our passengers can change this note. 售票员:我们的乘客中没人能换开这张钞票.
They're all millionaires! 售票员:他们都是百万富翁!
Except us. 二流浪汉:我们俩除外.
I've got some small change. 流浪汉1:我有零钱.
So have I. 流浪汉2:我也有.
相关标签: 英语 购物 客人 知识