还有一个多月就要中考了.为取得好成绩,老师让我们思考怎样改进学习,提高学习效率.你是怎样想的?你准备怎样改进自己的学习?senior high school entrance exam,efficiency (效率),improve,think,find,listen,do,ask,hope           .


senior high school entrance exam,efficiency (效率),improve,think,find,listen,
Senior high school entrance exam is coming soon.Our teacher asked us to think how to improve our learning and get better efficiency.【高分句型一】I think it important and necessary to do so.【高分句型二】I have learned a lot in school.(我的想法)I'll go over what I have learned and find out where my difficulties are according my revision plan.And then I'll ask my teacher and classmates for help.Keeping healthy and good mood will also do good.(我的打算)I hope I will get good scores and enter my ideal school. Senior high school entrance exam is coming soon.Our teacher asked us to think how to improve our learning and get better efficiency.【高分句型一】I think it important and necessary to do so.【高分句型二】I have learned a lot in school.(我的想法)I'll go over what I have learned and find out where my difficulties are according my revision plan.And then I'll ask my teacher and classmates for help.Keeping healthy and good mood will also do good.(我的打算)I hope I will get good scores and enter my ideal school.