英语翻译书虫,是牛津大学出版社奉献给世界英语学习者的一大精品.书虫在英语中大约是颇可爱的形象,试想想如痴如醉沉迷于书卷,孜孜不倦咀嚼着字母的那么一只“书虫”…… 这是书虫系列中的《快乐王子》.暑假里我看了这本书,下面我来为大家介绍一下.作者简介 这本童话集举世闻名,脍炙人口,被文学界推崇为童话经典.他的作品主人公有人类,也有精灵,还有动物,他们具有极其强烈而悲壮的牺牲精神,即便于事无补,他


书虫,是牛津大学出版社奉献给世界英语学习者的一大精品.书虫在英语中大约是颇可爱的形象,试想想如痴如醉沉迷于书卷,孜孜不倦咀嚼着字母的那么一只“书虫”…… 这是书虫系列中的《快乐王子》.暑假里我看了这本书,下面我来为大家介绍一下.作者简介 这本童话集举世闻名,脍炙人口,被文学界推崇为童话经典.他的作品主人公有人类,也有精灵,还有动物,他们具有极其强烈而悲壮的牺牲精神,即便于事无补,他
The bookworm, a boutique University of Oxford Publishing House dedicated to the world of English learners. The bookworm in English about is quite lovely image, imagine delude one to folly indulging in books, diligently chewing letter as a "bookworm". This is a series of "the happy prince". The summer vacation I read this book, I come to you to introduce. Author brief introduction this fairy tale collection be known to all the world, win universal praise, be regarded as the classical literary fairy tales. His works the protagonist is human, elf, and animal, they have the spirit of sacrifice, extremely strong and solemn and stirring even if it doesn't help the situation., he The bookworm, a boutique University of Oxford Publishing House dedicated to the world of English learners. The bookworm in English about is quite lovely image, imagine delude one to folly indulging in books, diligently chewing letter as a "bookworm". This is a series of "the happy prince". The summer vacation I read this book, I come to you to introduce. Author brief introduction this fairy tale collection be known to all the world, win universal praise, be regarded as the classical literary fairy tales. His works the protagonist is human, elf, and animal, they have the spirit of sacrifice, extremely strong and solemn and stirring even if it doesn't help the situation., he