英语单词整理include historical preserve admit attract 每个单词的动词 名词形容词写出来 并且用每个单词的动词造2句句子


include historical preserve admit attract 每个单词的动词 名词形容词写出来 并且用每个单词的动词造2句句子
* include v.1.包括,包含.如:The price includes both house and furniture.价钱包括房子和家具.2.算入,包含于...里面.如:I include him among my friends.我把他当作朋友.
* historical adj.1.历史的,史学的.如:It's a historical fact.这是历史事实.2.有关历史的,基于史实的.如:The painting depicts an actual historical event.这画是根据真实的历史事件描绘的.
* preserve 1.n.蜜饯,禁猎地,果酱,专长.如:apricot preserves 杏脯;She regards negotiating prices with customers as her special preserve.她把与顾客讨价还价看作自己的专长.
2.v.保存,保藏; 保护; 防腐; 维护; 做蜜饯,禁猎.It is difficult to preserve one's self-respect in that job.做那样的工作很难保持自尊.
* admit v.允许进入,承认,接纳; 承认; 通向; 有余地,容许.如:No one but ticket-holders was admitted.只有持票者方可入内.The theater admits 1000 people.这剧院可容纳一千人.
* attract v.吸; 引起; 吸引; 引起...的注意; 引起注意; 有吸引力.如:They hope to attract more foreign investors.他们希望吸引更多的外国投资者.dog was attracted by the smell of the meat.狗受到肉味的引诱.
* include v.1.包括,包含.如:The price includes both house and furniture.价钱包括房子和家具.2.算入,包含于...里面.如:I include him among my friends.我把他当作朋友.
* historical adj.1.历史的,史学的.如:It's a historical fact.这是历史事实.2.有关历史的,基于史实的.如:The painting depicts an actual historical event.这画是根据真实的历史事件描绘的.
* preserve 1.n.蜜饯,禁猎地,果酱,专长.如:apricot preserves 杏脯;She regards negotiating prices with customers as her special preserve.她把与顾客讨价还价看作自己的专长.
2.v.保存,保藏; 保护; 防腐; 维护; 做蜜饯,禁猎.It is difficult to preserve one's self-respect in that job.做那样的工作很难保持自尊.
* admit v.允许进入,承认,接纳; 承认; 通向; 有余地,容许.如:No one but ticket-holders was admitted.只有持票者方可入内.The theater admits 1000 people.这剧院可容纳一千人.
* attract v.吸; 引起; 吸引; 引起...的注意; 引起注意; 有吸引力.如:They hope to attract more foreign investors.他们希望吸引更多的外国投资者.dog was attracted by the smell of the meat.狗受到肉味的引诱.