求一篇英语作文假定你叫李华,是中州市第27中学的学生.你前不久在上读到一篇有关农村(countryside)儿童辍学(leaves school at an early age)的报道.你于2000年1月14日给编辑写去一封信,谈了农村儿童辍学的主要原因以及你的看法.内容要点:原因:1.家庭贫困    2.帮父母挣钱 3.学习有困难  4.不愿意上学 5.这些原因中家庭贫困是主要原因 看法:每个孩子都应有受教育的机会,愿将自己的零花钱(pocket money)送给失学儿童.注意:1.要点不能遗漏,但不能


假定你叫李华,是中州市第27中学的学生.你前不久在上读到一篇有关农村(countryside)儿童辍学(leaves school at an early age)的报道.你于2000年1月14日给编辑写去一封信,谈了农村儿童辍学的主要原因以及你的看法.
内容要点:原因:1.家庭贫困    2.帮父母挣钱 3.学习有困难  4.不愿意上学
看法:每个孩子都应有受教育的机会,愿将自己的零花钱(pocket money)送给失学儿童.
No.27 Middle School
Zhongzhou, Sichuan Province
January 14, 2000
Dear Editor
In the countryside a lot of children are leaving school at an early age for various reasons. Some have to leave school because their families are too poor to pay for their education. Some find difficulties in study. Some have to help their parents to earn money. And some simply do not like studying. In my opinion the main reason that the children can not finish school is the poor living conditions of their families.I think every child has the chance to receive education. As a student I can t do much about it. but I would try my best and now, I would like to give them all my pocket money and hope it will help some children.
No.27 Middle School
Zhongzhou, Sichuan Province
January 14, 2000
Dear Editor
In the countryside a lot of children are leaving school at an early age for various reasons. Some have to leave school because their families are too poor to pay for their education. Some find difficulties in study. Some have to help their parents to earn money. And some simply do not like studying. In my opinion the main reason that the children can not finish school is the poor living conditions of their families.I think every child has the chance to receive education. As a student I can t do much about it. but I would try my best and now, I would like to give them all my pocket money and hope it will help some children.