英语短文:每个中学生都对未来充满憧憬,希望自己能梦想成真.你的梦想是什么呢?怎样才能实现你的梦想呢?写一篇70词左右的英语短文,介绍十年后你的梦想.My Dream in Ten Years 开头:I am a student in high school now,In ten years,I'll be


My Dream in Ten Years
开头:I am a student in high school now,In ten years,I'll be_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
My dream is to be a manager in a good and profitable company in future. As I am very interested in the magazines about business and international cooperations, I pay much attention to accumulate the the related knowledge in order to be a qualified manager. First, as far as i am concerned, we should read as many books as we can. Second, we would like to take opportunity to practice ourselves in the real world. My dream is to be a manager in a good and profitable company in future. As I am very interested in the magazines about business and international cooperations, I pay much attention to accumulate the the related knowledge in order to be a qualified manager. First, as far as i am concerned, we should read as many books as we can. Second, we would like to take opportunity to practice ourselves in the real world.