情景作文。      初中阶段的学习生活即将结束。假设你是张华,身在中考考场,回想自己在父母和师长的关爱和帮助下的成长过程,心中充满感戴之情。请根据表中所列信息,用英语给父母或老师写一封70词左右的短信,表示谢意。                     &


注意:1. 感谢对象可在父母或老师中任选其一,但请避用真实姓名和校名。
          2. 除表格所列关键词语外,还可适当发挥、举例并抒发感受。
          3. 信的开头和结尾已经给出。
Dear _____
     Words fail me when I want to express my thanks to you. ________________________________
     Best wishes! 
                                                                                                                              Zhang Hua
Possible versions: (A) Dear parents      Words fail me when I want to express my thanks to you. You've taken good care of me since I was born. When I'm in trouble you always encourage me and cheer me up. Once I argued with my best friend and was upset. You talked with me the whole night and finally helped me solve the problem. With your help I've become a good student. I'm so thankful for your love that I'll work harder and try to do better in the future.      Best wishes.                                                                                                                                        Yours                                                                                                                                         Zhang Hua (B) Dear Miss Gao      Words fail me when I want to express my thanks to you. You've taken good care of my studies since I came to this school. When I'm in trouble you always encourage me and give me good advice. I still remember that once I failed in an English exam and was upset. You cheered me up and told me some good ways to improve my English. With your help I've made great progress in English. I'm so thankful for your love that I'll work harder and try to do better in the future.      Best wishes.                                                                                                                                        Yours                                                                                                                                        Zhang Hua
Possible versions: (A) Dear parents      Words fail me when I want to express my thanks to you. You've taken good care of me since I was born. When I'm in trouble you always encourage me and cheer me up. Once I argued with my best friend and was upset. You talked with me the whole night and finally helped me solve the problem. With your help I've become a good student. I'm so thankful for your love that I'll work harder and try to do better in the future.      Best wishes.                                                                                                                                        Yours                                                                                                                                         Zhang Hua (B) Dear Miss Gao      Words fail me when I want to express my thanks to you. You've taken good care of my studies since I came to this school. When I'm in trouble you always encourage me and give me good advice. I still remember that once I failed in an English exam and was upset. You cheered me up and told me some good ways to improve my English. With your help I've made great progress in English. I'm so thankful for your love that I'll work harder and try to do better in the future.      Best wishes.                                                                                                                                        Yours                                                                                                                                        Zhang Hua