英语翻译1.我每天步行上学.2.长江流入太平洋3.期末考试下周举行4.如果明天天气热,我们就去游泳.5.她在等公交车6.这个暑假我在学英语7.我明天乘飞机 去北京8.你为什么总是忘记带着钥匙.    谢啦.


1.我每天步行上学.2.长江流入太平洋3.期末考试下周举行4.如果明天天气热,我们就去游泳.5.她在等公交车6.这个暑假我在学英语7.我明天乘飞机 去北京8.你为什么总是忘记带着钥匙.    谢啦.
1. I go to school on foot every day.
2.The Yangtze river flows into the Pacific Ocean
3.The final exam will be held in next week
4.If the weather will be hot tomorrow, we will go swimming.
5.She's waiting for the bus
6. I have been learning English this summer
7. I will go to Beijing tomorrow by plane.
8. Why do you always forget to bring the key.
1. I go to school on foot every day.
2.The Yangtze river flows into the Pacific Ocean
3.The final exam will be held in next week
4.If the weather will be hot tomorrow, we will go swimming.
5.She's waiting for the bus
6. I have been learning English this summer
7. I will go to Beijing tomorrow by plane.
8. Why do you always forget to bring the key.