初二英语(用简单的英语解释下列句子)用简单的英语解释下列句子:1.He is over 65 now.2.In 50 years,perhaps cormorant fisherman will no longer exist in the world.3.They are good at catching fish.4.The light enables him to see better.5.Helen requires having a rest.是用简单的英语解释句子的意思!不是用中文翻译!


1.He is over 65 now.
2.In 50 years,perhaps cormorant fisherman will no longer exist in the world.
3.They are good at catching fish.
4.The light enables him to see better.
5.Helen requires having a rest.
He is more than 65 years old now
Maybe cormorant fisherman will disappear after 50years later
They are skilled in fishing
He can see more clearly with the light
Helen should have a rest
He is more than 65 years old now
Maybe cormorant fisherman will disappear after 50years later
They are skilled in fishing
He can see more clearly with the light
Helen should have a rest