人教版七年级下册英语第六单元的翻译句子 动作要快、急用1、我们应该每天睡觉放松八小时.2、在书店里有许多有趣的书,孩子们对它们很感兴趣3、我的工作就是和孩子们打交道4、学生们每天穿校服去上学,而且又是学习的很晚.5、我父亲的工作精彩但又有些危险.


人教版七年级下册英语第六单元的翻译句子 动作要快、急用
1.We should sleep for eight hours for relaxing every day.
2.There are many interesting books in the bookstore and children are interesting in them.
3.My job is taking care of children.
4.Student go to school with school clothes every day and study late.
5.My father's job is interesting but dangerous.
1.We should sleep for eight hours for relaxing every day.
2.There are many interesting books in the bookstore and children are interesting in them.
3.My job is taking care of children.
4.Student go to school with school clothes every day and study late.
5.My father's job is interesting but dangerous.