英语短文改错 一共有十处错误The most exciting event in this week was the sports meet on Tuesday.I took part in the boy's 400-Meter relay race,in it there were four teams competing.I was a third to run in my team.At the very beginning,our team's first runner fel behind


英语短文改错 一共有十处错误
The most exciting event in this week was the sports meet on Tuesday.I took part in the boy's 400-Meter relay race,in it there were four teams competing.I was a third to run in my team.At the very beginning,our team's first runner fel behind the others three teams.Then our team's second runner catches up with one of them.When I started to run,I ran as faster as I could hope to change the situation,but it was no use.We got the third place when the race ended,we still thought we were the winners because we have tried our best.

The most exciting event (去掉in) this week was the sports meet on Tuesday. I took part in the (boy's改成boys') 400-Meter relay race,in (it改成which) there were four teams competing. I was (a改成the) third to run in my team. At the very beginning,our team's first runner fell behind the (others改成other) three teams.Then our team's second runner (catches改成caught) up with one of them. When I started to run,I ran as (faster改成fast) as I could (hope改成hoping) to change the situation,but it was no use. We got the third place when the race ended,(加入but) we still thought we were the winners because we (have改成had) tried our best.


The most exciting event (去掉in) this week was the sports meet on Tuesday. I took part in the (boy's改成boys') 400-Meter relay race,in (it改成which) there were four teams competing. I was (a改成the) third to run in my team. At the very beginning,our team's first runner fell behind the (others改成other) three teams.Then our team's second runner (catches改成caught) up with one of them. When I started to run,I ran as (faster改成fast) as I could (hope改成hoping) to change the situation,but it was no use. We got the third place when the race ended,(加入but) we still thought we were the winners because we (have改成had) tried our best.
