

a number of,the number of
at table,at the table
at the age of
at the end of…,in the end,by the end
be good at
be good for
be good to
be good with
be supposed to
be used for
because of
belong to
be able to
care for
compare with
consider doing
cut up
do some doing
look for
find it+adj.+to do
finish doing
forget to do sth./forget doing sth.
go on doing sth.
go on to do sth.
go on with sth.
take place
have fun doing
hear from
how far
how much
how many
how often
how long
how soon
hundreds of
in front of,in the front of
in hospital,in the hospital
in the tree on the tree
be interested in
it's time…
may be
Me neither
so do I
much too,too much
run out of,run out
see sb.do sth.,see sb.doing sth.
so that,so...that...,such...that...
sound,sound like
stop doing,stop to do
to one's surprise
take part in
thanks for,thanks to
the more...,the more...
there be
there will be
think about,think of,think up
try to do,try doing
turn on,turn off,turn up,turn down
use up
used to do sth.
be used to doing sth.
would rather...than...
mind doing
a number of,the number of
at table,at the table
at the age of
at the end of…,in the end,by the end
be good at
be good for
be good to
be good with
be supposed to
be used for
because of
belong to
be able to
care for
compare with
consider doing
cut up
do some doing
look for
find it+adj.+to do
finish doing
forget to do sth./forget doing sth.
go on doing sth.
go on to do sth.
go on with sth.
take place
have fun doing
hear from
how far
how much
how many
how often
how long
how soon
hundreds of
in front of,in the front of
in hospital,in the hospital
in the tree on the tree
be interested in
it's time…
may be
Me neither
so do I
much too,too much
run out of,run out
see sb.do sth.,see sb.doing sth.
so that,so...that...,such...that...
sound,sound like
stop doing,stop to do
to one's surprise
take part in
thanks for,thanks to
the more...,the more...
there be
there will be
think about,think of,think up
try to do,try doing
turn on,turn off,turn up,turn down
use up
used to do sth.
be used to doing sth.
would rather...than...
mind doing