

Life is never plain sailing.To be successful in life,a strong will is indispensable.Life is like a marathon.Many people can't reach the finish line.This is not due to exhaustion,it is because the will is not strong enough.To quit smoking,for one,some people think that a piece of cake.Morning ambitiously to quit smoking,but in the evening,he felt the smell of cigarettes is tempting to them.They have a sour throat,dry mouth,even hand shaking.Through the ideological struggle of pain,they'll say to myself:"one is enough,just one,tomorrow I will completely give up smoking." In this way,they will surrender to the weak.In the end,they quit smoking "one hundred times",but from all time success.Just like quitting smoking,no Life is never plain sailing.To be successful in life,a strong will is indispensable.Life is like a marathon.Many people can't reach the finish line.This is not due to exhaustion,it is because the will is not strong enough.To quit smoking,for one,some people think that a piece of cake.Morning ambitiously to quit smoking,but in the evening,he felt the smell of cigarettes is tempting to them.They have a sour throat,dry mouth,even hand shaking.Through the ideological struggle of pain,they'll say to myself:"one is enough,just one,tomorrow I will completely give up smoking." In this way,they will surrender to the weak.In the end,they quit smoking "one hundred times",but from all time success.Just like quitting smoking,no