

A-Hi Jerry, are you waiting for the bus here?B-Yes.A-Do you usually go to work by bus?B-No,I usually drive my car.However,my car is being repaired now.A-What's up?B-A car accident happened to me yesterday.A-Oh,I'm sorry to hear that,did you hurt?B-No,fortunately!But I have to lead a no-car living for several days.A-Hey,come on!Taking bus is not bad,I think.For one thing,you can avoid coming into accidents ,for the other,you can save money and make contributions to protecting the environment!B-That's true.A-Oh,my bus is coming ,see you around!B-Bye! A-Hi Jerry, are you waiting for the bus here?B-Yes.A-Do you usually go to work by bus?B-No,I usually drive my car.However,my car is being repaired now.A-What's up?B-A car accident happened to me yesterday.A-Oh,I'm sorry to hear that,did you hurt?B-No,fortunately!But I have to lead a no-car living for several days.A-Hey,come on!Taking bus is not bad,I think.For one thing,you can avoid coming into accidents ,for the other,you can save money and make contributions to protecting the environment!B-That's true.A-Oh,my bus is coming ,see you around!B-Bye!
相关标签: 交通 英语 对话