英语短文改错(请帮我改一下)Ladies and gentlemen,May I have your attentions,please?Now we are 21.--------looking for a passenger,Mr.Brown,he is from America.22.-----------And he`s now leaving Beijing to America on Flight 2748.23.-----------But we were told Mr.Brown lef


Ladies and gentlemen,
May I have your attentions,please?Now we are 21.--------
looking for a passenger,Mr.Brown,he is from America.22.-----------
And he`s now leaving Beijing to America on Flight 2748.23.-----------
But we were told Mr.Brown left his passport as good as 24.-----------
his wallet in Friendship Hotel where he had stayed.25.----------
The manager of a hotel has just telephoned to tell us 26.----------
About it.He has just been sent his secretary to bring the 27.--------
passport and the wallet here ,but she will come soon.28---------
Will Mr.Brown go the gate of our airport and wait 29.--------
for his passport and wallet?She`U arrive in ten minutes.30.-------
Thank you.
22.he - who
23.to - for
24.good - well
25.where - which
26.a- the
27.been 去掉
28.but - and
29.go gate 之间加一个 to
30.his - your
个人建议 仅供参考
22.he - who
23.to - for
24.good - well
25.where - which
26.a- the
27.been 去掉
28.but - and
29.go gate 之间加一个 to
30.his - your
个人建议 仅供参考
相关标签: 英语 短文 改错