

  I deeply believe that people who are richare not necessary happy because, fundamentally, happiness cannot be measured bythe fortune individuals possess.
  Necessary is the undeniable fact that individuals see the world from their own ways. Admittedly, some believe that materials are critical for their living styles and hence the more they have, the happier they would be. However, for other people who assign more priority to the spiritual experiences, the pursuit of fortune, position and reputation might be the last thing they would be interested in, compared with their attentions and focus to their families and their spiritual achievements and joy when they taking care of their relatives, reading bookings, enjoying music and fine arts, which might bring their great self-acknowledgement and happiness.
  In sum, in this society live a different groups of individuals, whose world value, interests, propensities, the appreciation of aesthetics and, mostly importantly, the definition of happiness and achievement are dramatically diverse and therefore cannot be judged by the same measurement. Accordingly, by no means can we claim that people who are rich are definitely happy---on the contrary, they might lead a miserable life and suffer from great stress, pain and sorrow brought by their money
  I deeply believe that people who are richare not necessary happy because, fundamentally, happiness cannot be measured bythe fortune individuals possess.
  Necessary is the undeniable fact that individuals see the world from their own ways. Admittedly, some believe that materials are critical for their living styles and hence the more they have, the happier they would be. However, for other people who assign more priority to the spiritual experiences, the pursuit of fortune, position and reputation might be the last thing they would be interested in, compared with their attentions and focus to their families and their spiritual achievements and joy when they taking care of their relatives, reading bookings, enjoying music and fine arts, which might bring their great self-acknowledgement and happiness.
  In sum, in this society live a different groups of individuals, whose world value, interests, propensities, the appreciation of aesthetics and, mostly importantly, the definition of happiness and achievement are dramatically diverse and therefore cannot be judged by the same measurement. Accordingly, by no means can we claim that people who are rich are definitely happy---on the contrary, they might lead a miserable life and suffer from great stress, pain and sorrow brought by their money
相关标签: 高中英语 作文 幸福