求一篇描写英语或演讲好的同学的作文!500字~1.外貌形象 人物的打扮,外貌,神态,言谈举止 2.在哪一方面作出了突出的成绩.(事例) 3.选择最感动人的事迹,通过语言,神态,动作来表现人物品质 4.阐述一个观点:三百六十行,行行出状元(一定要有) 请按此写,


1.外貌形象 人物的打扮,外貌,神态,言谈举止 2.在哪一方面作出了突出的成绩.(事例) 3.选择最感动人的事迹,通过语言,神态,动作来表现人物品质 4.阐述一个观点:三百六十行,行行出状元(一定要有) 请按此写,
Ladies and Gentlemen, I’d like to give you a short introduction about China. China has a large population, colorful people and vast land. China’s land covers 9.6 million square kilometers. There are also many languages spoken in china. Chinese people love learning all kinds of things and are crazy about learning English. The future looks bright for China. Let’s conquer English to show our love for our motherland. Thank you for listening. Ladies and Gentlemen, I’d like to give you a short introduction about China. China has a large population, colorful people and vast land. China’s land covers 9.6 million square kilometers. There are also many languages spoken in china. Chinese people love learning all kinds of things and are crazy about learning English. The future looks bright for China. Let’s conquer English to show our love for our motherland. Thank you for listening.