

连接词but和yet表示转折或对照,意为“但是,然而”.例如: It's true that he is young,but he is experienced and responsible. 诚然他很年轻,但是他有经验,又认真负责. He is poor,yet he is clever and noble-hearted. 他很穷,然而人却很聪明,心地又善良. Fortune often knocks at the door,but the fool does not invite her in. 幸运之神常光顾,痴人不知把门开.but和yet尽管都可译为“但是”,但还是有区别的: 1) but是并列连词,而yet则可作并列连词或副词,不可说and but,但可说and yet,but不可放在句尾,而yet可放在句尾; 2) but表示对照或对立时,一般都比较轻松自然,而yet在表示对照或对立时,则往往比较强烈,时常出人意料; 3) but在某些习惯说法中不可用yet替代.例如: This is strange and yet true.(正)这是奇怪的,但是真的. This is strange and but true.(误) She is American but she speaks Chinese very fluently. 她是美国人,但她说中文说得非常流利.(自然轻松的比较或对立) She is American,yet she knows little about American history. 她是美国人,但她却对美国历史知之甚少.(较强烈的比较或矛盾) A:"Let's have another try."让我们再试一次. B:"But how?"但是怎样试呢?(习惯表达法,不用yet) It is true that he is young,but he is diligent and honest. 诚然他年轻,但是他勤奋,而且诚实.(同it is true,of course,indeed等连用习惯上用but)Note:1.never…but意为when…always.例如:  It never rains but it pours.不雨则已,一雨倾盆.2.在not such…but,so…but句型中,but相当于that…not.例如:  He is not such a fool but he knows it.  No task is so hard but (but that ) he can accomplish it.3.在 I do not doubt but (but that),I do not deny but (but that),It is not impossible but (but that )句型中,but或but that无意义,相当于连词that.4.only亦可用作并列连词,意为,“但是,只是”,常用于口语中,相当于but,前面可用逗号或分号.例如:  He has promised to do it,only he does not keep his word.  他已答应做那件事了,只是他不守信用.5.still可以用作并列连词,意为“但是,然而”,前面用逗号或分号均可.例如:  Autumn is come,still it is rather hot.  秋天到了,但是天气仍然很热.  She failed; still she did not lose heart.  她失败了,但她并没有灰心.6.still,yet,however,nevertheless常可换用,however语气较弱,常作插入语用;yet,still 和nevertheless常表示强烈的对比或相反的结论.例如:  I can not,however,approve of your design.7.and yet和but yet是yet的变体,与but同义.转折的表示法还有:indeed…but;It is true…but; to be sure…but; while,whereas (=but on the contrary) ; on the contrary; on the other hand等.例如:  Some people like fat meat,whereas others hate it. 连接词but和yet表示转折或对照,意为“但是,然而”.例如: It's true that he is young,but he is experienced and responsible. 诚然他很年轻,但是他有经验,又认真负责. He is poor,yet he is clever and noble-hearted. 他很穷,然而人却很聪明,心地又善良. Fortune often knocks at the door,but the fool does not invite her in. 幸运之神常光顾,痴人不知把门开.but和yet尽管都可译为“但是”,但还是有区别的: 1) but是并列连词,而yet则可作并列连词或副词,不可说and but,但可说and yet,but不可放在句尾,而yet可放在句尾; 2) but表示对照或对立时,一般都比较轻松自然,而yet在表示对照或对立时,则往往比较强烈,时常出人意料; 3) but在某些习惯说法中不可用yet替代.例如: This is strange and yet true.(正)这是奇怪的,但是真的. This is strange and but true.(误) She is American but she speaks Chinese very fluently. 她是美国人,但她说中文说得非常流利.(自然轻松的比较或对立) She is American,yet she knows little about American history. 她是美国人,但她却对美国历史知之甚少.(较强烈的比较或矛盾) A:"Let's have another try."让我们再试一次. B:"But how?"但是怎样试呢?(习惯表达法,不用yet) It is true that he is young,but he is diligent and honest. 诚然他年轻,但是他勤奋,而且诚实.(同it is true,of course,indeed等连用习惯上用but)Note:1.never…but意为when…always.例如:  It never rains but it pours.不雨则已,一雨倾盆.2.在not such…but,so…but句型中,but相当于that…not.例如:  He is not such a fool but he knows it.  No task is so hard but (but that ) he can accomplish it.3.在 I do not doubt but (but that),I do not deny but (but that),It is not impossible but (but that )句型中,but或but that无意义,相当于连词that.4.only亦可用作并列连词,意为,“但是,只是”,常用于口语中,相当于but,前面可用逗号或分号.例如:  He has promised to do it,only he does not keep his word.  他已答应做那件事了,只是他不守信用.5.still可以用作并列连词,意为“但是,然而”,前面用逗号或分号均可.例如:  Autumn is come,still it is rather hot.  秋天到了,但是天气仍然很热.  She failed; still she did not lose heart.  她失败了,但她并没有灰心.6.still,yet,however,nevertheless常可换用,however语气较弱,常作插入语用;yet,still 和nevertheless常表示强烈的对比或相反的结论.例如:  I can not,however,approve of your design.7.and yet和but yet是yet的变体,与but同义.转折的表示法还有:indeed…but;It is true…but; to be sure…but; while,whereas (=but on the contrary) ; on the contrary; on the other hand等.例如:  Some people like fat meat,whereas others hate it.