

1.Ms.Rogers bought an electric range (电气灶) on the installment plan (分期付款).The cash price of the range was $400.The amount she paid was $120 down (首期) and 12 monthly payments of $28 each.What was the amount she paid for the electric range in excess of (多于) the cash price?
2.What is the remainder (余数) when 63 is divided by
3.One month Mary used 1/6 of her monthly salary for a car payment and 1/4 more than the car payment for rent.What fraction (比例) of her monthly salary did Mary use that month for the car payment and rent combined?
4.If one number is chosen at random (随机) from the first 1,000 positive integers (正整数),what is the probability that the number chosen is multiple (倍数) of both 2 and
5.A window (寡妇) received 1/3 of her husband's estate (财产) and each of her three sons received 1/3 of the balance (剩余部分).If the widow and one of her sons received a total of $60,000 from the estate,what was the amount of the estate?
6.A rectangular floor 18 feet by 10 feet is to be completely covered with carpeting (地毯) that costs X dollars per square yard.In term of X,how many dollars will the carpeting cost?(1 yard = 3 feet)
7.A company paid $500,000 in merit raises (奖金) to employees whose performances (表现) were rated A,B,or C.Each employee (工人) rated A received twice the amount of the raise that was paid to each employee rated C; each employee rated B received 1.5 times the amount of the raise that was paid to each employee rated C.If 50 workers were rated A,100 were rated B,and 150 were rated C,how much was the raise paid to an employee rated
8.The charge for a telephone call made at 10:00 a.m.from city Y to X is $0.50 for the first minute and $0.34 each additional minute.At these rates,what is the difference between the total cost of three 5-minute calls and the cost of one 15-minute call?
9.A manufacture packages soap powder in containers of three different sizes.The amount of soap powder in a full large container could fill exactly 3 of the medium container or exactly 5 of the small containers.If an equal number of small and large containers are to be filled with the amount of soap powder that would fill 90 medium containers,how many small containers will be filled?
1.Ms.Rogers bought an electric range (电气灶) on the installment plan (分期付款).The cash price of the range was $400.The amount she paid was $120 down (首期) and 12 monthly payments of $28 each.What was the amount she paid for the electric range in excess of (多于) the cash price?
2.What is the remainder (余数) when 63 is divided by
3.One month Mary used 1/6 of her monthly salary for a car payment and 1/4 more than the car payment for rent.What fraction (比例) of her monthly salary did Mary use that month for the car payment and rent combined?
4.If one number is chosen at random (随机) from the first 1,000 positive integers (正整数),what is the probability that the number chosen is multiple (倍数) of both 2 and
5.A window (寡妇) received 1/3 of her husband's estate (财产) and each of her three sons received 1/3 of the balance (剩余部分).If the widow and one of her sons received a total of $60,000 from the estate,what was the amount of the estate?
6.A rectangular floor 18 feet by 10 feet is to be completely covered with carpeting (地毯) that costs X dollars per square yard.In term of X,how many dollars will the carpeting cost?(1 yard = 3 feet)
7.A company paid $500,000 in merit raises (奖金) to employees whose performances (表现) were rated A,B,or C.Each employee (工人) rated A received twice the amount of the raise that was paid to each employee rated C; each employee rated B received 1.5 times the amount of the raise that was paid to each employee rated C.If 50 workers were rated A,100 were rated B,and 150 were rated C,how much was the raise paid to an employee rated
8.The charge for a telephone call made at 10:00 a.m.from city Y to X is $0.50 for the first minute and $0.34 each additional minute.At these rates,what is the difference between the total cost of three 5-minute calls and the cost of one 15-minute call?
9.A manufacture packages soap powder in containers of three different sizes.The amount of soap powder in a full large container could fill exactly 3 of the medium container or exactly 5 of the small containers.If an equal number of small and large containers are to be filled with the amount of soap powder that would fill 90 medium containers,how many small containers will be filled?