这几句用英语怎么说 今天我有很多重要的事情要说 上周末彼得去西安看望爷爷了 去年夏天我们这几句用英语怎么说 今天我有很多重要的事情要说 上周末彼得去西安看望爷爷了 去年夏天我们全家乘火车去颐和园旅行 坐在公交车的二层在城市观光是很惬意的


这几句用英语怎么说 今天我有很多重要的事情要说 上周末彼得去西安看望爷爷了 去年夏天我们
这几句用英语怎么说 今天我有很多重要的事情要说 上周末彼得去西安看望爷爷了 去年夏天我们全家乘火车去颐和园旅行 坐在公交车的二层在城市观光是很惬意的
Today i have many important things to say.
Peter went to visit his grandpa in Xi'an last weekend.
We went to the Summer Palace by train for traveling last summer.
It is very nice to see city around by sitting on the second floor of a bus.
Today i have many important things to say.
Peter went to visit his grandpa in Xi'an last weekend.
We went to the Summer Palace by train for traveling last summer.
It is very nice to see city around by sitting on the second floor of a bus.