初三英语翻译句子1 他们一步步地攀登上了山顶,心里充满了欢乐. . 2 我们刚才被她的美貌吸引了. We her beauty just now. 3 过去他们没什么吃的. They .


1 他们一步步地攀登上了山顶,心里充满了欢乐.
2 我们刚才被她的美貌吸引了.
We ______________________________________ her beauty just now.
3 过去他们没什么吃的.
They ____________________________________________________.
1 1 step by step they climb on the top of the hill,their hearts full of joy.
2 we have just been attracted to her beauty.
We ______________________________________ her beauty just now.
3 past them nothing to eat.
They ____________________________________________________.
1 1 step by step they climb on the top of the hill,their hearts full of joy.
2 we have just been attracted to her beauty.
We ______________________________________ her beauty just now.
3 past them nothing to eat.
They ____________________________________________________.