请你根据下面提示,以A  landslide(山崩)为题,写一篇70词左右的短文(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。1.上周一早上,在连续下了两天大雨之后发生了山崩(landslide)。2.我和妈妈在家,爸爸下午回来。雨很大。他叫我和妈妈赶快带伞离开。3就在那时,房子开始摇晃,我们非常害怕,迅速跑开了。4.第二天上午回家时,我们发现房子没有了,到处是碎玻璃和砖块,我们感到很悲伤。 A  landslide Last Monday morning,    &n


请你根据下面提示,以A  landslide(山崩)为题,写一篇70词左右的短文(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。
A  landslide
Last Monday morning, _________________________________________________________________________

One possible version

A  Landslide

Last Monday morning, after two days’ heavy rain, a landslide happened. I was at home with my mother. Father came back in the afternoon. It was raining heavily/hard. He asked us to leave quickly with umbrellas. Just then, the house started to shake. We were very afraid and ran away quickly.

The following morning, we went back home. We found that there was no house at all. There were only pieces of glass and bricks everywhere. We felt very sad.

One possible version

A  Landslide

Last Monday morning, after two days’ heavy rain, a landslide happened. I was at home with my mother. Father came back in the afternoon. It was raining heavily/hard. He asked us to leave quickly with umbrellas. Just then, the house started to shake. We were very afraid and ran away quickly.

The following morning, we went back home. We found that there was no house at all. There were only pieces of glass and bricks everywhere. We felt very sad.
