现在中小学生的安全备受学校和社会的关注,请你以How to keep us safe为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈学生应该如何保证安全.提示:(1)What should you do at home?(2)What should you do on the way to school?(3)What should yo


现在中小学生的安全备受学校和社会的关注,请你以How to keep us safe为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈学生应该如何保证安全.
提示:(1)What should you do at home?
(2)What should you do on the way to school?
(3)What should you do at school?
参考词汇:protect,stranger,traffic,run around the hallway,fight,etc.
How To Keep Us Safe
Safety is the most important to us all.As teenagers,we must learn to protect ourselves.
Safety is the most important to us all.As teenagers,we must learn to protect ourselves.When we are at home,we should be careful when we use electricity【高分句型一,注意时间状语从句的使用】.Before answering the door,we first see whether he/she is a stranger【高分句型二,注意宾语从句的使用】【要点一,在家做什么】.On the way to school,we must pay special attention to the traffic and obey the rules in the street.We must always ride the bicycles on the right and stop when the lights are red.【要点二,在上学的路上应该做什么】When we are at school,we never run around the hallway.It is no good for us to fight with each other over small matters.【要点三,在学校应该做什么】 Safety is the most important to us all.As teenagers,we must learn to protect ourselves.When we are at home,we should be careful when we use electricity【高分句型一,注意时间状语从句的使用】.Before answering the door,we first see whether he/she is a stranger【高分句型二,注意宾语从句的使用】【要点一,在家做什么】.On the way to school,we must pay special attention to the traffic and obey the rules in the street.We must always ride the bicycles on the right and stop when the lights are red.【要点二,在上学的路上应该做什么】When we are at school,we never run around the hallway.It is no good for us to fight with each other over small matters.【要点三,在学校应该做什么】