

1 宾语从句 +条件状语从句+定语从句
You will know whether or not it is normal if you play the video on the other coputers ,which I sent to you.
2 主语从句中带有定语从句 + 条件状语从句
You will know the video which/that I sent to you is normal or wrong if you put it into the other computers.
3条件状语从句带有定语从句+ 宾语从句
As you play the video that/which I sent to you on the another computer ,you shall know if it does't work nomally.
4 条件状语从句中带定语从句+简单句
When you play the video that/which I sent to you on other computers ,you will know whether to work normally .
5 非谓语中带定语从句+简单句
To know whether the video which I sent to you,works normallyon the computer, you can play it on the others .
1 宾语从句 +条件状语从句+定语从句
You will know whether or not it is normal if you play the video on the other coputers ,which I sent to you.
2 主语从句中带有定语从句 + 条件状语从句
You will know the video which/that I sent to you is normal or wrong if you put it into the other computers.
3条件状语从句带有定语从句+ 宾语从句
As you play the video that/which I sent to you on the another computer ,you shall know if it does't work nomally.
4 条件状语从句中带定语从句+简单句
When you play the video that/which I sent to you on other computers ,you will know whether to work normally .
5 非谓语中带定语从句+简单句
To know whether the video which I sent to you,works normallyon the computer, you can play it on the others .
相关标签: 英语翻译 视频 放到 其它 电脑 播放