How confident are you?
__what would you do if the teacher asked a.I'd say that another student could do it better.
you to give a speech in front of the wh- b.i'd say i had a cold.
ole school?c.I'd say "yes".
__what would you do if your brother borr- a.I'd tell him to ask my permission before he bo-
owed your clothes without permission?rrows something next time.
b.I wouldn't say anything.
c.I would start borrowing his clothes without pe-
How confident are you?
__what would you do if the teacher asked a.I'd say that another student could do it better.
you to give a speech in front of the wh- b.i'd say i had a cold.
ole school?c.I'd say "yes".
__what would you do if your brother borr- a.I'd tell him to ask my permission before he bo-
owed your clothes without permission?rrows something next time.
b.I wouldn't say anything.
c.I would start borrowing his clothes without pe-