英语翻译1.谈论某事 2.与某人交朋友 3.为某事做准备 4.照相 5.能够 6.在某地方做的差 7.初次 8.每4年 9.代表 10.至少 11.参加 12.立刻 13.把某物传给某人 14.喜欢做某事 15.改善环境 16.定在6点 17.在校门口 18.在右侧 19.发生 20.摘苹果 21.名胜古迹 22.23.做早操 24.喜欢 25.下一次


1.谈论某事 2.与某人交朋友 3.为某事做准备 4.照相 5.能够 6.在某地方做的差 7.初次 8.每4年 9.代表 10.至少 11.参加 12.立刻 13.把某物传给某人 14.喜欢做某事 15.改善环境 16.定在6点 17.在校门口 18.在右侧 19.发生 20.摘苹果 21.名胜古迹 22.23.做早操 24.喜欢 25.下一次
1.talk about sth.
2.make friends with sb.
3.prepare for sth.
4.take a picture
5.be able to
6.job in somewhere
7.for the first time
8.every 4 years
9.on behalf of
10.at least.
11 take part in
12 at once
13.send sth to sb.
14 love to do
15.improve the environment'
16.make it six
17.at the school gate
18.at the right side
19 happen
20.pick apples
21 place of interest
22 historically,
23 do morning exercises
24 like
25 next time
1.talk about sth.
2.make friends with sb.
3.prepare for sth.
4.take a picture
5.be able to
6.job in somewhere
7.for the first time
8.every 4 years
9.on behalf of
10.at least.
11 take part in
12 at once
13.send sth to sb.
14 love to do
15.improve the environment'
16.make it six
17.at the school gate
18.at the right side
19 happen
20.pick apples
21 place of interest
22 historically,
23 do morning exercises
24 like
25 next time