求题目为Internet and the distance among people的英语作文……希望是自己【原创】的.这关系到……咳咳.你们懂得.1.互联网已成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的部分.2.互联网拉近了人们间的距离同时也使人际关系越来越疏远.3.我的看法.


求题目为Internet and the distance among people的英语作文
Nowadays,internet has increasingly become an indispenable part of people's daily life.Thanks to the application of internet,it has brought so much convenience to our work that our efficency has improved.During the spare time ,we can relax fully by watching online TV and listening music and playing games.If you would like to study and improve yourself further,internet is also a good choice.
As internet shorten the distance among people ,it alienates the interpersonal relationship.People prefer to stay at home to sit simply in front of a computer rather than to commninate with others personally like old days.In the long run ,relationships among people are becoming increasingly remote so that people only concern about themselves.While the spirit of co-ordination and share and love is gone for ever.
As far as i am concerned,we should not deny the role internet has played to our society right now,However,we should attach great importance to the perservation of interpersonal relationship,Only by doing this can we summon the spirit of love and share and our society will grow in a harmonious way.
Nowadays,internet has increasingly become an indispenable part of people's daily life.Thanks to the application of internet,it has brought so much convenience to our work that our efficency has improved.During the spare time ,we can relax fully by watching online TV and listening music and playing games.If you would like to study and improve yourself further,internet is also a good choice.
As internet shorten the distance among people ,it alienates the interpersonal relationship.People prefer to stay at home to sit simply in front of a computer rather than to commninate with others personally like old days.In the long run ,relationships among people are becoming increasingly remote so that people only concern about themselves.While the spirit of co-ordination and share and love is gone for ever.
As far as i am concerned,we should not deny the role internet has played to our society right now,However,we should attach great importance to the perservation of interpersonal relationship,Only by doing this can we summon the spirit of love and share and our society will grow in a harmonious way.