英语翻译尽管你没有他们的天赋,不过你从未妄自菲薄; 虽然你没有他们的条件,但是你从未抱怨;你平凡的生活无人喝彩.这世界不公平?但你有梦想的努力.让坚持成为你的宣言,让勇气与汗水成为你的勋章.用你的努力和怒吼让世界的不公平在你的面前低头,功为王道.我唯一能做的就是练到赢.我坚信,逆境铸英才,只要用比钢铁还坚硬的意志,才能支撑着走出黎明前的黑暗.前进的路上别觉得孤独,我有兄弟在身旁


尽管你没有他们的天赋,不过你从未妄自菲薄; 虽然你没有他们的条件,但是你从未抱怨;你平凡的生活无人喝彩.这世界不公平?但你有梦想的努力.让坚持成为你的宣言,让勇气与汗水成为你的勋章.用你的努力和怒吼让世界的不公平在你的面前低头,功为王道.我唯一能做的就是练到赢.我坚信,逆境铸英才,只要用比钢铁还坚硬的意志,才能支撑着走出黎明前的黑暗.前进的路上别觉得孤独,我有兄弟在身旁
Even though you do not have their talent,but you never belittle; Although you do not have their conditions,but you never complained; Ordinary life you no applause.This world is unfair?However,the efforts you have a dream.So that you insist to become the Universal Declaration,so that you become the courage and sweat of the Medal.Your efforts and let the world angry at the unfairness in front of you bow for Wang Gong.The only thing I can do is trained to win.I firmly believe that adversity cast of excellence,as long as hard than iron and steel will also be supported out of the darkness before dawn.Do not think that the way forward alone,there is my brother beside him at Even though you do not have their talent,but you never belittle; Although you do not have their conditions,but you never complained; Ordinary life you no applause.This world is unfair?However,the efforts you have a dream.So that you insist to become the Universal Declaration,so that you become the courage and sweat of the Medal.Your efforts and let the world angry at the unfairness in front of you bow for Wang Gong.The only thing I can do is trained to win.I firmly believe that adversity cast of excellence,as long as hard than iron and steel will also be supported out of the darkness before dawn.Do not think that the way forward alone,there is my brother beside him at