英语翻译请各位高手将以下内容翻译成英文,(最好别提供纯软件翻译的内容) TOM:冒昧打扰你了!我是Lily 的朋友Jackpan的外甥女 Haily.很高兴认识你!我的英语不是很好.你会说汉语吗?我可以教你学汉语.我希望能跟你学习英语.我们可以见个面吗?你什么时候有空呢?我们下午3:00在国际文化交流中心门口碰头吧.我穿白色的衣服.你穿什么颜色的衣服呢?我们一起去吃晚饭(喝咖啡)吧!


TOM:冒昧打扰你了!我是Lily 的朋友Jackpan的外甥女 Haily.很高兴认识你!我的英语不是很好.你会说汉语吗?我可以教你学汉语.我希望能跟你学习英语.我们可以见个面吗?你什么时候有空呢?我们下午3:00在国际文化交流中心门口碰头吧.我穿白色的衣服.你穿什么颜色的衣服呢?我们一起去吃晚饭(喝咖啡)吧!
Hi, Tom! Sorry to interrupt you! I'm Haily, I'm Lily's friend and Jackpan's niece. My English is not very good, do you speak Chinese? I can teach you Chinese, I want to learn English from you. Can we meet? When do you have time? Let's meet in front of the International Culture Communication Center at 3pm. I will wear a white shirt, what color will you wear? Let's go eat dinner (drink coffee) together! Hi, Tom! Sorry to interrupt you! I'm Haily, I'm Lily's friend and Jackpan's niece. My English is not very good, do you speak Chinese? I can teach you Chinese, I want to learn English from you. Can we meet? When do you have time? Let's meet in front of the International Culture Communication Center at 3pm. I will wear a white shirt, what color will you wear? Let's go eat dinner (drink coffee) together!