英语作文(初中水平)假设你们班将在下周举行一场主题''what can TV bring us student and how should we deal with it?''的英语演讲比赛,请你根据下表内容,用英语写一篇80词左右的书面演讲稿,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数.优点 1.使我们快乐,放松 2.有助我们获取更新的信息,了解世界,学到更多知识缺点 1.看电视对眼睛有害 2.看太多电视,就没有足够的时间学习 3.一些电视节目枯燥乏味,有些节目甚至对青少年有不良影响.你的观点.Hello,ever


假设你们班将在下周举行一场主题''what can TV bring us student and how should we deal with it?''的英语演讲比赛,请你根据下表内容,用英语写一篇80词左右的书面演讲稿,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数.
优点 1.使我们快乐,放松 2.有助我们获取更新的信息,了解世界,学到更多知识
缺点 1.看电视对眼睛有害 2.看太多电视,就没有足够的时间学习 3.一些电视节目枯燥乏味,有些节目甚至对青少年有不良影响.
Hello,everyone!I think TV has both advantages and disadvantages.
That's all.Thank you!
Hello,everyone!I think TV has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, when we watch TV, we can be very relaxed and feel happy; We can also get more information and knowledge, so we will know a lot about the world. On the other hand, if we spend too much time watching TV, we will not have enough time to study our subjets. Also, watching TV too much is bad for our eyes. And some programs on TV are boring, they will have a bad influence on us teenagers. In my opinion, we should watch,but not too much.
That's all.Thank you!
Hello,everyone!I think TV has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, when we watch TV, we can be very relaxed and feel happy; We can also get more information and knowledge, so we will know a lot about the world. On the other hand, if we spend too much time watching TV, we will not have enough time to study our subjets. Also, watching TV too much is bad for our eyes. And some programs on TV are boring, they will have a bad influence on us teenagers. In my opinion, we should watch,but not too much.
That's all.Thank you!