在八年级即将结束之际,八(3)班将举行一次主题班会,要求同学们谈谈一年来自己的收获与变化.请为Simon准备一份 80字左右的演讲稿 (开头结尾已给,不计入总词数),具体内容如下,省略号部分作适当拓展. 过去 现在 学习 不认真. 上课认真听讲. 业余生活 大部分业余时间听音乐,看电视,上网玩游戏. 在老师的帮助下,阅读,锻炼. 爱心 不关心他人,零用钱用来… 零用钱捐给了贫困地区的孩子们. 展


在八年级即将结束之际,八(3)班将举行一次主题班会,要求同学们谈谈一年来自己的收获与变化.请为Simon准备一份 80字左右的演讲稿 (开头结尾已给,不计入总词数),具体内容如下,省略号部分作适当拓展.
过去 现在
学习 不认真. 上课认真听讲.
业余生活 大部分业余时间听音乐,看电视,上网玩游戏. 在老师的帮助下,阅读,锻炼.
爱心 不关心他人,零用钱用来… 零用钱捐给了贫困地区的孩子们.
展望未来 九年级…
Hello,everyone.I'm Simon.Back to the life in the last year,I think I have changed a lot and made great progress (进步) in some ways.
Thank you for listening!
Hello,everyone.I'm Simon.Back to the life in the last year,I think I have changed a lot and made great progress (进步) in some ways.【高分句型一,注意宾语从句的使用】
First,I used to be careless with my study.But now I listen carefully in class.【要点一,学习情况】
Second,I spent most of my free time listening to music【高分句型二,注意spend的使用】,watching TV and playing computer games.Luckily,with my teachers'help,I try to spend my free time reading and doing exercise.【要点二,业余生活情况】
Third,in the past I always spent my pocket money on things like snacks and CDs.But now I donate my pocket money to the children in poor areas.I want to give them a helping hand.【要点三,爱心】
I'm sure I can be better and better in Grade 9.【要点四,展望未来】
Thanks for your listening!
Hello,everyone.I'm Simon.Back to the life in the last year,I think I have changed a lot and made great progress (进步) in some ways.【高分句型一,注意宾语从句的使用】
First,I used to be careless with my study.But now I listen carefully in class.【要点一,学习情况】
Second,I spent most of my free time listening to music【高分句型二,注意spend的使用】,watching TV and playing computer games.Luckily,with my teachers'help,I try to spend my free time reading and doing exercise.【要点二,业余生活情况】
Third,in the past I always spent my pocket money on things like snacks and CDs.But now I donate my pocket money to the children in poor areas.I want to give them a helping hand.【要点三,爱心】
I'm sure I can be better and better in Grade 9.【要点四,展望未来】
Thanks for your listening!