在线等人工!英语翻译,先谢谢各位大神. 倪老师,谢谢您这一年来对我的教导.我学到了很多.虽然在线等人工!英语翻译,先谢谢各位大神. 倪老师,谢谢您这一年来对我的教导.我学到了很多.虽然您不是我的第一个老师,但你是教会我最多的老师.您教会我自学.你教会我谦虚.您总是给人一种乐观向上的感觉,在您身上我察觉不到一丝消极.从而我学会了笑对人生的一切困难.


在线等人工!英语翻译,先谢谢各位大神. 倪老师,谢谢您这一年来对我的教导.我学到了很多.虽然
Mr. Ni ,
Thanks for your help and instructions over the past year , I have learned a lot from you .Though you are not my first teacher , you are the one who has taught me the most . You taught me how to learn by myself ,how to be modest . you always give me a sense of optimism ,not any pessimism . And now I can face any difficulty and challenge with smile . thank you again.
Mr. Ni ,
Thanks for your help and instructions over the past year , I have learned a lot from you .Though you are not my first teacher , you are the one who has taught me the most . You taught me how to learn by myself ,how to be modest . you always give me a sense of optimism ,not any pessimism . And now I can face any difficulty and challenge with smile . thank you again.