急求英语口语对话!要求两人五分钟左右!急~!每个对话大约五分钟的,要求两个人的对话!拜托各位帮帮忙了!下面是对话的题目1.If you become the richest man or woman in china .What kind of life do you think you would live?2.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet ,will the Internet isolate us from


1.If you become the richest man or woman in china .What kind of life do you think you would live?
2.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet ,will the Internet isolate us from one another?
3.If you had a second life ,which one would you prefer to be a man or woman? why?
4.Do you make and receive a lot of phone calls? who do you call most ofen?what are good telephone manners?
5.What role does music play in your life ?Do you lisen to music while studying?Do you thinking it is a good habit?
我以前考过的,其实没那么难啦,现在前面加点场景上的寒暄,诸如:最近咋样之类的,然后想个办法引出话题,一来一往的,这都能有十来句了,然后再展开来说,议论或说明的部分就像写高考英语作文那样就可以了,其实也不用那么长,都用短句子就好,这又能有十几句,然后来个结尾,两人的观点会同意,或是仍然不同,不管怎样,再表达一下,再加5句,就足够了,这就能说3-4分钟,只要流利点,没有大的语法错误,75分以上不成问题.我相信洛阳的孩子在这方面不会成什么问题的,而且老师不会那么严的,她哪有那闲工夫还给你掐表.放心吧! 我以前考过的,其实没那么难啦,现在前面加点场景上的寒暄,诸如:最近咋样之类的,然后想个办法引出话题,一来一往的,这都能有十来句了,然后再展开来说,议论或说明的部分就像写高考英语作文那样就可以了,其实也不用那么长,都用短句子就好,这又能有十几句,然后来个结尾,两人的观点会同意,或是仍然不同,不管怎样,再表达一下,再加5句,就足够了,这就能说3-4分钟,只要流利点,没有大的语法错误,75分以上不成问题.我相信洛阳的孩子在这方面不会成什么问题的,而且老师不会那么严的,她哪有那闲工夫还给你掐表.放心吧!