英语翻译中文部分:今天早晨是一个大晴天,这估计也预示台风的过去.其实,台风比较猛烈的时候,我不是在公司上班,就是晚上睡觉的时间,所以就我个人的感受来说,台风并没有像新闻中所描述的那么强烈.早上上班的时候,看到挡车的杆子换成了一条竹枝.这虽然看着有点好笑,但要不是台风破坏了杠子,物业又怎能出此下策呢?公司所在小区的花园内也有好多树倒了.看来台风也没有我所想的那么小.英文部分:This morning is a big sunny day.That may also mean the typhoon has


This morning is a big sunny day.That may also mean the typhoon has gone.Actually,I was either working at office or sleeping at home when the typhone was in the most severe status.So what I felt about the typhoon was not as same as what the news was reported.When I arrived the office buiding,I just saw a long bamboo was used as the arrester for stopping car by the property management.It looks very funny.But it could tell how heavy yesterday’s wind was.And also a lot of trees that not weak fell down last night.All these things told me that the typhone was not small like I thought.
The weather is sunny in the morning.It means the typhoon has gone.Actually,I was either working at office or sleeping in my house while the typhone slammed yesterday into the city.So,i felt that the typhoon was not so strong as the news reported.When I arrived the office buiding,I just saw a long stick was used as the arrester for stopping car by the property management.It looks very funny.But it could tell me how strong the wind was.And lots of trees fell down last night.All these things told me that the typhoon was not weak as I thought. The weather is sunny in the morning.It means the typhoon has gone.Actually,I was either working at office or sleeping in my house while the typhone slammed yesterday into the city.So,i felt that the typhoon was not so strong as the news reported.When I arrived the office buiding,I just saw a long stick was used as the arrester for stopping car by the property management.It looks very funny.But it could tell me how strong the wind was.And lots of trees fell down last night.All these things told me that the typhoon was not weak as I thought.